Numerous shots were fired outside a residence near 19th and Howell around 11:15 p.m. Thursday night, police say. When officers arrived, they could not locate any victims, but did find a parked car with several bullet holes in it.
Shortly later, a male victim was dropped off at Harborview with a gunshot wound that was not life-threatening and did not require hospitalization. The victim declined to provide details to police.
Last night at 11:15 pm, East Precinct officers responded to numerous reports of shots fired outside a residence in the 1800 Block of East Howell Street with a large group of people present.
Officers arrived quickly and began looking for possible victims. No one appeared to be injured, however, officers did locate a parked car on East Howell just past 19th Ave that appeared to have been struck several times by bullets.
As officers were investigating the scene, another officer who was at Harborview Medical Center on an unrelated call reported that a male with a gunshot injury had just arrived at the hospital in a private vehicle.
The man had a non life-threatening injury which did not require hospitalization. The victim and the witnesses directly associated with the incident told officers that they only heard the shots and refused to provide any detailed information.
It was discovered that the victim had several outstanding felony warrants for his arrest, so after he was discharged from the hospital, he was arrested and booked into the King County Jail. Gang Unit detectives also responded to the shooting location and processed the scene.
I heard those shots last night and immediately thought that it was probably that location…. There’s a bad news house right there.
This shooting occurred outside the same house on E Howell St between 18th and 19th as the shooting on 6/17.
Glad at least someone went to jail for something.
Is 19th and Howell/Madison considered CD? While your smart ass title seems funny, details are important. I think this is actually Capitol Hill.
I think Hmmmm is correct. We have enough problems in the CD without adopting those from adjacent neighborhoods!
This IS your neighborhood!
It is that area that could be called the CD or Cap Hill. It depends if you are trying to sound like you are down with the people (then its the CD) or trying to sell a condo (then its Cap Hill).
It was a negative event. So even though the City neighborhood maps clearly identify this as Capitol Hill, even the Times is calling it the CD. We have to wait for something good like a new restaurant in that area for the media to call it Capitol Hill.
North of Madison is NOT the CD .. it’s a pretty easy boundary to understand.
That said, this house’s residents have been a chronic problem for quite sometime … hopefully the police are bringing the homeowner in for one of those “clean it up or you won’t have your house” conversations … it worked with a homeowner near me who continuously rented to thugs, drug dealers and troublemakers. But then again, we neighbors decided enough was enough.
You might all recall that the few blocks north & south of E Howell on 19th were also the locations of more than a few muggings … I’m going to guess there is a connection
Kind of a silly distinction, but according to the city, the Central Area does not extend north of Madison, thus placing this shooting a block inside of Capitol Hill.
Media are very vague on Seattle’s neighborhoods. One of them recently called the area near Rainier and McClellan “Rainier Beach,” even though it’s way north of Columbia City!
Seattle Times is reporting this shooting as being in the CD, of course.
I think it is Capitol Hill, especially since the Capitol Hill blog (I don’t meant any thing mean here. I follow that blog too.) often claims all the good news restaurants and development etc. north of E. Union and definitely all good news north of E. Madison. I am sorry to hear that this happened so close to the CD.
UPDATE I see it is also posted on Capitol Hill:
If it makes you guys feel better, it’s posted on Capitol Hill’s blog as well.
Actually, there are many spots north of Madison that are considered by many to be in the CD, past and present. Here is what Thomas Veith, from the Historic Preservation Program had to say about the boundaries of the Central District in his documentation of the history of the Central District:
Unlike some Seattle neighborhoods, the Central Area has never existed as a political entity separate from the City of Seattle. In addition the Central Area’s development was not part of a unified real state scheme with coordinated public improvements (such as the Mount Baker community). For these reasons, it has never had official boundaries and various writers describe its extent in various ways.
ap yes, what you say is correct. Thank you. The media definitions and reports would not cause such controversy if when they cover positive developments or references to nice events or home or developments they did not refer to places as far south as E. Cherry and 14th, 17th, 19th,20th or even S. Jackson as Capitol Hill. In the media the bad things happen in the CD. This can be a problem with the Madrona and Leschi neighborhoods. I think you understand why people get so sensitive.
I think “historic” boundaries don’t really matter all that much .. I’ve lived in the CD now for 15 years and close by for 15 years before and aside from the little triangle around el Gallito south of Madison is the CD and north of Madison (and especially west of 19th) is considered Cap Hill .. I know many think it’s the 98122 zipcode but that would put Seattle Central in the CD and well, I think we would all agree its not.
Read through the historic seattle linked by ap and most of the definitions seem to agree that the CD’s northern boundary is Madison … but it’s really splitting hairs. My main thought is that if I ate at Skillet I would be on Cap Hill .. if I was shot at Skillet I’d be in the CD
olive oyl, I agree. Even historically this address is more Capitol Hill.
This is on the north side of E. Madison at 17th and is considered news for Capitol Hill.
North of Madison is not the CD? Then why is the Farmer Market at Grocery Outlet called the Madrona Farmers Market and on the Central District Farmers Market. As the woman tending it told me “People would not come if it was called the Central District Farmers Maket”. Seattle’s polite racism flourishes!
Grocery Outlet is on the east side of MLK, which puts it in the Madrona portion of the Central Area.
There’s another whole squabble about what the boundaries of the Central District are, versus the boundaries of the Central Area. Apparently they are different, although they mostly overlap, and I’ve heard varying interpretations. Maybe a history expert can chime in.
The vendor’s comment is one person’s opinion or just what she’s been told. Some of the vendors are from outside Seattle, and she may just be repeating what someone else, not necessarily knowledgable, told her.
For everyone freaking out about where the CD actually is, in the 60′ – 8o’s, i.e., in my youth, the CD – also known as C*** Holler at the time, and “The Seedy” started just south of the Montlake bridge and extended way past Jackson. There was a house on 23rd and John with a toilet in the front yard and a toilet seat nailed to the outside of the house for like two decades. Meany was for sure in the CD and a CD school, although now people call that area Cap Hill. It’s like when real estate agents started calling 28th and Yesler “Lower Leschi.” Um, no. There is plenty of history behind the Madison corridor being part of the CD, as well as several blocks to the North of it. I remember when Cafe Flora was a Laundromat / Prostitution den and the best BBQ in town was on 28th and Madison. As late as the early 90’s there was a house on 33rd and Madison with a handmade GIANT sign that said “For sale by owner, EZ terms!” and it was a dump. What folks call the CD has changed over the years, but not so long ago it included what is now considered parts of Montlake and Cap Hill.
That reminds me – when I moved to the 23 and Union neighborhood more than twenty years ago, it was sometimes called “West Madrona”!
Ha! When I was a kid Madrona WAS the CD. Then people discovered the lake view. There were 2 white families within my 10 block world, and St. T’s was more than 80% black. St. James elementary had 1 white kid in their 1st grade class when my brother went there. The class picture is sort of comical. But it show the influx of African Americans during and after WWII as the Japanese were interned, robbed and displaced. My mom was one of a totally white and asian class at St. James elementary in the 40’s, by contrast. Here’s an interesting link This is back even before my time. When I was a kid mad valley was called Coon Holler. Aaron Dixon was just coming up in Madrona and the Black Panthers protected and helped all of us, white, black and anything else.
Where the avenues and streets do not have directional designations is Downtown.
Where the avenues do not have directional designations is the Central District. For the most part, this means zip code 98122. Some people divide this area up into neighborhoods, one being Madrona.
Makes sense to me.
In general that works. The avenues are without directional designations between Denny and Yesler, so it gets fuzzy around the edges (think Walgreen’s and Starbucks at 23rd and Jackson – that’s 23rd South; think the businesses at the west side of 23rd and Madison – that’s 23rd East).
The streets become “East” several blocks west of Broadway, and I don’t think most people think of Seattle Central and the Harvard Market as being in the CD – but it is a good generalized description.
Right. Walgreen’s is near S 23rd Ave 98144. That is not the Central District.
Where Madison Ave crosses 23rd the North side is 23rd Ave E 98112 and the South side is 23rd Ave 98122. One side of the street is the Central District and the other is not.
At least that is my understanding.
I suppose the Central District means whatever it means to different people. Granted, that is not necessarily the same thing as the historical meaning.
whoops, that should be 23rd Ave S 98144, not S 23rd Ave 98144
As far as I can tell, Seattle Central Community College was so named because it is in the Central District, at least according to the historical definition. For example, all the avenues that touch Seattle Central Community College do not have directional designations, all the streets have the directional designation E. The zip code is 98122.
If the school had buildings North of E Denny Way on Broadway E, that would not be the Central District. The zip code there is 98102.
Mrs D you nailed it again. Yes I remember the house with the toilet seat and many toilet seats later. I remember the south part, Judins Rejected Commuity Council, prior to building I-90 and Madson was hooker row, particularly by the old laundromat.
So another one bites the dust and we are arguing about 1 block. We are arguing about a few hundred feet.
A man was shot in our neighborhood again. Just like last week and how many other weeks over the past year. A few hundred feet into Cap Hill. This guy was shot by the same violent CD culture that shot the last 20. Cap Hill has a sliver of the gang culture that CD is home to. That was our guys that done it.
Own it people. Solve it. It is your fault. Quit pointing fingers.
in my opinion, this is not arguing, it is clarifying what we mean when we use words
this article mentions 19th av and e howell st 98122 which is part of the historical definition of the Central District
not sure, but from things you have said it seems that you live in 98144
98144 is not part of the historical definition of the Central District
You are correct. 98144. Kind of in a no mans land below Judkins Park. A “fringe area” according to Bill Hobson. Jackson Place. Not really deserving of family neighborhood status. A good place for quazi hospital/jail facilities. According to SPD – an unclaimed area where gangs intermix in dealing and pimping actiivites. Again, a no man’s land with respect to gangs.
I would say it is more Central than anywhere in Seattle. The crossroads of I-90. Portal to the Pacific. Exit 1 Seattle. What I like most is I can get on to 90 and accross the bridge to fresh mountain air in minutes.
Still. Even fringees like me and the Madisonian/Broadwinians are affected by CD based gang violence. Let’s talk about the problem. It’s pretty well defined. No need to hang up on semantics the way Seattlites love to get on about nothing.