The closed up bookstore at 15th x Republican (across from QFC) is being yarn-bombed. Art installation is compliments of the owner and will be up for 2 months. So enjoy.

The closed up bookstore at 15th x Republican (across from QFC) is being yarn-bombed. Art installation is compliments of the owner and will be up for 2 months. So enjoy.
Looks awesome, I will have to check out this creative installation. Thanks for sharing!
Does anyone know the longterm plans for this building? I sure hope it’s not going to be torn down, it’s been empty for a long time. Specifically, I worry that the huge, beautiful cherry tree in front will be cut down. There are so few older fruit trees in publically accessible spaces in the city now. Does anyone remember the gorgeous plum tree on Martin Luther King Way S. and King St.? A casualty of town houseism.