Mayor McGinn held a town hall meeting Tuesday evening, but it didn’t last long. He left in the middle of the meeting after residents, many angry about police violence, continued to interrupt him.
“I’m sorry guys, I’m done. No, this is not a productive meeting,” the mayor told attendees of the discussion at the Northwest African American Museum. KIRO TV has video of the meeting.
The mayor has held 60 town hall meetings since taking office, but this is the first time he has left one before it was over. He said he would reschedule.
Some residents interrupted a community forum on violence at the Garfield Community Center May 30, but moderators gave them time to have their say even if it was out of turn.
Were you at the Tuesday meeting? What is your take on what happened?
So the mayor come to discuss problems in the neighborhood and these anarchist start heckling him. Are these guys for real? They should have kicked them out of the meeting. I have had it with these guys. How about the one asking “How is your window doing?’ in reference to the rock being thrown through the mayors home.
We are trying to solve problems in the neighborhoods and these guys act like little kids.
Props to the mayor for trying to continue talks outside away from the anarchist.
I saw the statement from the Mayor’s office blaming it on anarchists. But I’m not completely convinced it was all anarchists, and I’m wary of the govt trying to write off every angry person as an “anarchist.” That’s one thing I’d like to know from folks who were there (because I unfortunately missed this one).
We get a slice of the mayor’s time and many of the attendees where certainly there to have meaningful discussions. Anarchists or just plain idiots ruined it for us. Shameful.
These idiots are victims of their own ignorance. No wonder their mother’s abandoned hope in making them productive citizens. May their bitterness bear them fruit of their own flavor throughout their lives.
I really wanted to attend this meeting but they started it too early for me to get there from work.
After reading this story, I am continuously amazed at the rudeness and total disregard for other people by some in this city. The assholes that shouted down the Mayor until he left robbed everyone else who attended of their chance to have a conversation with the Mayor, who is an important part of dealing with the current issues that plague this city, particularly the South end. There have been shootings, deaths, injuries and residents are upset, angry and afraid. They deserved this hour with Mayor McGinn.
I totally agree that those who disrupted the event should have been tossed out. This was not fair to the rest of the neighbors who were respectful and ready to have a productive conversation.
Thing is McGinn needs to do the listenning. He was shouted down cause all he ever does is talk down to us. Who was te meeting for if not to hear from the community. We had some things to say and they didn’t want to listen.
Maybe it’s not what you said but how you said it. It’s hard to get respect if you don’t give respect.
So you were one of the shouters? Well played. Stay home next time.
If you want to be heard, raise your hand and wait your turn. Or write a letter. Or make an appointment and go see McGinn in person, grown-up to grown-up.
I would love to know what people wanted to tell the mayor (both people shouting and those who didn’t get a chance to speak).
I agree, Tom, that using the term anarchists is not very helpful here unless the group is identified in some specific way. Also do we know what anarchy really is?
It’s hard for me to have sympathy for your cause when your shouting, heckling, insults and general verbal abuse directed at the mayor, prevented anyone other than you, including the mayor, from speaking about your issues or any issues. Maybe they do need to listen to you, but you’re not the only ones who want to speak or who have opinions and issues. Your bad behavior deprived everyone of hearing all the opinions and ideas. Civility should be a requirement when you show up at an event like this. Maybe you’d get more traction with your concerns if you showed more respect for others in the community.
I have really mixed feelings about this. I didn’t attend the meeting, so I have no idea what went on. Was this the mayor just coming to update the community (which often does feel like being lectured and talked down to)–or was there supposed to be a presentation by the mayor followed by questions and comments from the community? I’m curious how this meeting was set up in the first place. If it was just a lecture, then people had a right to be pissed. NOT disrespectful and inappropriate, but definitely needed to find a way to voice their opinions. However, if it was set up as a brief presentation by the mayor followed by comments from the community–why did people feel compelled to interrupt him??
I get it that the community is still pissed/grieving over all of the recent shootings–and we all need to keep talking about it and feel heard by community leaders. But we are shooting ourselves in the foot with this kind of behavior. The cops don’t like coming into our neighborhood to begin with. They feel disrespected and probably fearful for their lives. Then the DOJ ties their hands, and now there’s a police stand down. I know some feel there is more of a police presence in the neighborhood–but I have noted much less presence. Of course, they respond when you call 911, but I don’t see beat cops hanging out in the neighborhood. If we’re going to disrespect those who are elected and employed to keep us safe, then we should expect the repercussions. Less attention from elected officials, less police presence.
This leads to a lot of community angst and concern for safety. I’m really fearful of what is going to come of a neighborhood that I love. I spoke with three neighborhood families this morning (two Caucasian, one mixed race family)–one plans to move next summer, and two are in the process of buying new homes and have put their CD homes on the market. Granted, these are families with the means to do this. Our family could also pull this off, but it would be a huge monetary drain for us–and the fact is we don’t want to leave.
But frankly, I’m thinking about moving more and more. When I have to say a prayer every morning and afternoon that my teenage son will get home from school alive–is it any wonder that some are leaving??
So, we need more community meetings in order to vent–but we also need to figure out a constructive way to work with the police and politicians in order to make this a safer place to live.
There are occasions when disruption is a viable tactic. This doesn’t seem to have been one of them. It leads me to believe the disrupters, whatever their political stripes, are not serious people. The serious people in my community understand that a meeting put on by the gov’t is only one step in getting issues aired and acted upon, but a step worth taking. To that end they publicized the event, helped turn people out, polled their neighbors about priorities, and held pre-meetings to prepare pointed questions that spoke to neighborhood concerns. They were prepared to get the Mayor on record, and then do the all-important follow up organizing and action in order to make things happen, i.e. get results.
The people who chose to disrupt the meeting may have gone through a similar process in their own communities but it seems their desired result was to make noise rather than make things happen. They succeeded at making noise, although their concerns were unheard, and the result of their noise was to shut down the meeting. Maybe that’s what they wanted, who knows, and who knows why, but it’s called throwing a tantrum, it’s not serious community organizing.
An item that I would like addressed is the speed limits in the neighborhood. What can be done to stop people from driving way too fast . The speeding in residential areas are getting out of control. One of these days someone is going to get injured or killed by those that drive way too fast.
Civility goes both ways. More is accomplished via shared conversation than shouting like restless natives.
Are you new to this blog? You must be. People getting mamed and killed by fast cars is old hat. Next topic please.
I feel for my neighbors who are thinking of moving but the reality is that over the past 20 years things have changed. There are more involved neighbors, more involved homeowners and the tide may well turn entirely. This though means that we all need to get involved. Moving doesn’t help. This is a vibrant, interesting community I’m proud to be a part of. I hope that even those with means will chose to support it through going to meetings, calling 911 when needed, writing council members, writing the Mayor and putting the pressure on rather than walking off and leaving it. This community may have been ignored but I think that can be changed by intelligent, concerted effort. Politicians view letters with more weight as it takes more effort, they then see them as coming from firmly committed voters. That matters and it’s do-able.
I agree with Anthony.
And UPD (& everyone else), don’t attack other commenters. You can disagree, but don’t belittle. This should be a safe space for people to voice their concerns. Once people start feeling like they will be ridiculed for simply voicing their opinions, conversation will cease to be productive. Debate the ideas, but don’t attack the person (as much as possible, anyway). Thanks.
Thanks for putting this into perspective, imseee. I don’t want to leave the neighborhood because I love it here and have lived here on and off for over 20 years. But keeping my family safe is paramount, and we’ll do what we need to do in order to feel safe. I am aware that no neighborhood is completely crime-free, but there are many that don’t have the type and volume of crimes that the CD suffers from.
I have written letters to the mayor (no response), as well as Nick Licata and other members of the Safety committee. I got a very thorough response from Licata. It’s just hard to trust that it’s anything more than politic-speak. But I plan to keep engaging with the police, politicians and my neighbors to make this a better, safer place to live.
I would be interested in more information from Richard Wells–you sound like someone who knows the ins and outs of community organizing.
And again, to reiterate Tom’s original question: who attended the meeting? What did you see/hear? And for those who felt the need to interrupt the mayor: I really, sincerely would love to know what’s on your mind. No snark or sarcasm in my question. I think we need to keep up respectful conversation. Apparently, people continue to feel disrespected and unheard. We should try to have a civil dialogue here if we can’t do it at a community meeting. Any takers??
Right, Tom.
To some extent I see a resemblance between some of the posts on this site and last night’s meeting!
Thanks, Krikky – I also would love to hear more information on effective community organization – I want to fight for our right for every one of us to live without fear of stray bullets. I don’t want to give up on our neighborhood.
Maybe there should be a meet-up for neighbors and those who have more community organization experience could start a thread on this forum. I have read this site for years and since the tragedy that befell the Ferrari family it’s clear people are posting here to find a solution and to communicate. That may be able to be leveraged.
Well…the real reason for the disruption is that one of the people who originally illegally occupied the school building decided to occupy the building again in protest of the corruption and wasted resources that the current museum represents. You can read it about here:
What goes unmentioned is the raid by a SWAT team that cleared all of the occupiers out.
NONE of this is being mentioned by the media, by the way. Instead, everyone in concerned about the poor mayor. The man who decided to remain inside the building until the police arrived yesterday was one of the original occupiers and is certainly not an anarchist.
But that is the debate. That the people of the CD and the city have done this to themselves. It is simply our choices that allow this to go on. So now we have again, people wanting desperately to beleive that everyone’s opinion is valued and deserving. Anarchist’s and Appologists oppinions are not valued. They are way out of step with getting anything done. They are opposed to progress and we need to shut them donw. The problem isn’t that we don’t listen our don’t talk. The problem is that we don’t fight – so nobody wins. We must not respect everyone and everything. We are not talking about gay marriage here (something that is none of my business), We are talking about murderers (something that is my business).
This is not a time to be respectfull of everyone. This is a time to take one side and shut down the other in this regard. Somebody here wants to know if we know what anarchy really is. For God’s sake? Now we need to have a discussion about what anarchy is so we can be more enlightenned in our dealings with each other. No thanks. Let’s fight. Let’s tell people to what we really think. I’m not sitting down for tea with anarchists and murderers. Jeeeez.
Nonsense. Say what you have to say directly and quit beating around the bush.
One avenue is to attend the monthly meetings of EastPAC (East Precinct Advisory Council). Fourth Thursday of most months (except November and December) at 6:30 pm at Chardin Hall (Seattle University), usually in room 142. An opportunity to ask questions and discuss ideas with speakers, neighbors, and SPD staff. There is always an announcement a few days ahead in the CD News. The next one is June 28.
krikky123, I’d be glad to chat about organizing with you or anyone else but am uncomfortable using these comments to schedule a meeting or provide a way for you to get in touch with me. Any ideas?
My e-mail is available by clicking on my name. I’d be happy to help get you two in touch (or to bore you with the 20 year long Miller Park story)
—-When you go to a meeting like this, please use your adult manors, and consider that these representatives ( in this case our Mayor ), have come to us to hear our views, not to be shouted at or abused. I agree the Mayor had a very good reason to turn and leave. It appeared he was not going to be heard or given the respectful feedback he requested and deserved!
—–Shame on these adults that could not contain or control themselves, as it hurt all of us!
I am sure we, now that so many of us are acknowledging that change has to happen, can effect change. As in the article it will take a multi-pronged effort. I heard, can’t document this, that the neighbors on MLK and Jackson got sick of the drug dealing and intimidation on their sidewalks. Someone organized them to all by spotlights and shine them out of their windows onto the street. This mutual show from the neighbors worked and they moved away. I can’t find the article now but a community organizer for Yesler Terrace years ago took their streets back by having families sit on their stoops at night, playing cards and checkers on the sidewalk where the dealers had claimed territory. That too forced the dealers away.
I understand those that don’t want to organize on the comments section. Suggestions for other options?
For those of us who have been here a few years and remember the problems on 21st and Madison–I seem to remember seeing community members (along with a police officer) setting up a card table and chairs on the sidewalk between Deano’s and the boarded-up crack house at least once a week for a few years. Not sure if that is what cleaned up that block–or the fact that both of those buildings were purchased and are now gaping holes in the ground.
Not saying we should tear down buildings–but there was organized community effort in that neighborhood. Did anyone here participate in that?
OK, sending my email to Andrew. Thanks! PS I’m a newbie to community organizing, so bear with me!
newfromtheground or anyone who got cleared out by police, I’d love to talk to you. My number is 206.696.3059 or email [email protected]
Kids are home, so I’m signing off for the rest of the day. Just wanted to float an idea–would anyone be interested in a Yahoo group that would require people to give their real name, and possibly answer some simple questions prior to authorization? Would that make people feel more comfortable to discuss, as opposed to posting anonymously on here? I’m trying to see how we may be able to continue community building in a domain that people perceive as “safe”.
Just an idea. I figure there will be some who will shoot holes in this, so go at it. I’m not a fragile flower, so if you object give me good reasons(s). I’m thinking if you’re required to post under your real name, it would cut down on the unproductive “trolling” posts and encourage real dialogue. And it would make me stop hiding behind my alias, too ;)
How frustrating to have this rare type of meeting in our neighborhood hijacked by short-sighted activists and then cut short due a lack of civility or seriousness.
I agree with Richard that there is a time for yelling and protest, but there is also a time for dialogue, and then a time to really strategize about specific things that can be accomplished in the short-term and long-term to improve our neighborhood.
I live near the NAAM in Colman/Judkins and we were organized with specific questions to ask the Mayor, knowing full well, that many of them don’t have a pat answer that would be given in this type of Q&A. But having the time to ask them we felt was important considering how many folks travel in the Mayor’s group. We wanted to make sure there is a mix of topics: some that can be solved quickly, some that are just questions to get him on record, and some that are about long-term issues that have yet to barely make a ripple in the neighborhood but will in 10-15 years.
In no particular order, topic/questions some of us at this end of the CD were hoping to ask of the Mayor.
1. When can the cross walks on Jackson and 23/24/25 be repainted and why are the street lights bases covered with traffic cones in front of Walgreens and not repaired.
2. What is the city doing to deal with the recent gang shootings, including the two sets this week alone in the CD, not to mention the murder two weeks ago. We are not buying the mayor’s Monday speech where they claimed the gun violence was “unknown”. The majority is happening because of gangs.
3. What is the status of drug loitering/prostitution loitering enforcement (not currently enforced) in Seattle? An obvious problem here in Judkins Park and we tried to get the Mayors tour to include two areas of constant drug loitering. It did include 23rd and Dearborn (Parnell’s). Our belief is the small time users are bringing in the small time dealers who are in turn bringing in the more serious bad guys. Two shootings on residential Dearborn in one year: not ok.
4. The redevelopment of the Promenade 23 offers a major opportunity to change the character of the CD’s busiest intersection. What role can the city play to ensure that the development is appropriate to the neighborhood plan, the idea of an Urban Village. Can the city work with the redeveloper to get the Street Car spur up to at least 23rd and Jackson. Can we get the old street cars up here as a tourist draw/revitalization effort?
5. Does the city have any ability to stop a Wal-mart from going in at the Promenade 23?
6. What role will the neighborhood be assured of in the design and zoning changes that are taking place around the Light Rail station at Rainier/23rd and I-90. What transportation links will change, particularly along 23rd to provide access to this station.
7. Judkins Park has poor access into the park and should be one of the gems of the Seattle Park system as one of its largest URBAN green spaces. What specifically can the Mayor’s office due to facilitate the many departments that need to work together to improve access into the park: SDOT, Parks & Rec, School District)
8. We need more city investment in Jackson Street: better transportation link, small-business development, and an actual plan if they are really planning on developing Jackson with 5-6 story apartment buildings from Pioneer Square all the way up to 23rd. This is already one of the most interesting walks in the City going through so many different ethnic enclaves and history, but what could we be doing to make this better?
There are plenty of ways to get involved with neighborhoods here. Almost every subsection of the CD has a neighborhood association, council or block-watch, with much of the focus of these groups on doing good neighborly stuff. That’s a good place to start. As mentioned, EastPac has a focus on crime prevention. And then there are specific corridor groups like the business development groups on Union or Jackson St. In my experience, most of these meetings are poorly attended and would gladly welcome anyone to come and participate. Yes, they are often boring. Yes, the process is often slow. Yes, but real work/real networking and real progress does come out of these many meetings.
There are so many amazing neighbors here in the CD doing all kinds of positive work to make this a great place to live so to have this meeting turn out the way it did is a real shame.
A quick crash course in posting to CDNews (for those who have never done it):
Anyone can create an account and start a new post. Community posts will automatically go to the “Up & Coming Stories” list on the sidebar of the front page. Editors will at times boost posts to the front page, but all stories get a good number of reads regardless.
Simply create an account (top right corner of the screen if you have not created one already) then click “Post” on the navigation bar.
Thanks for this stellar post, Knox!
Some other questions that would have been asked included some about mental health issues that perhaps could be addressed before they become criminal issues; the possibility of providing what used to be called Community Service Officers (who help with issues that keep some individuals and families from achieving at least a basic quality of life); how to help even younger people understand the concept of neighbors and neighborhood, even if the other people look and/or sound different.
I went to the meeting to learn as well as to perhaps ask some questions of my own. I did learn a lot, and not all of it was good.
These are NOT all the neighborhood councils/associations, but they are the ones that popped into my head. I am more familiar with the groups on the south-end of the CD.
Again, all of these groups are doing all kinds of work in the neighborhood. Some of it is fun like putting on music events like Jackson’s Place’s Street Jam, some of it raises money for the CD like Leschi’s Book Sale for music classes in the local schools, and some of it is really very internal to the specific neighborhoods like having a way to get 10 neighbors to all report an out street light at the same time or getting a pothole fixed.
If you are new to the neighborhood and want to be involved and don’t know where to start, these neighborhood groups are a great place to do it.
Colman Triangle: south of I-90 between Rainier and MLK
Jackson Place Community Council: between Judkins Park and Rainier, north of I-90 to Jackson.
Colman Neighborhood Association: between 23rd and MLK, north of I-90 to Jackson
https://colman.nextdoor.com or contact me at [email protected]
Squire Park: Between Jackson and Union, 12th and 23rd.
Leschi Community Council: North of I-90 to Cherry Street, West of MLK to the Lake
Central District Community Council: Somewhere over around Union!
Can find a direct link, but they are the folks who put on the Garden tour.
CD Association:
Please post the relevant news of WHO was arrested and their prior history with specific movements, with confronting mayors (plural) etc. That’s real news that is being totally ignored by mainstream media. Why is no one reporting that?? Insane. I would post the link to where you can find this info but it is censored each time I do.
Unless the people involved define themselves as anarchists and get arrested repeatedly in activities which Puget Sound Anarchists claim involvement in. Those people, not all arrested, are – well – anarchists by their own definition regardless of how you define anarchy.
Wow, your assumptions are completely ridiculous. Some of the disruptors ARE mothers! The news is obviously trying to make this seem much simpler than it really was because unearthing any complexity would point out the very valid reasons why folks might not tolerate McGinn’s bullshit in the CD. His classic line lately is that shootings have been happening because people are “using guns to solve problems.” This is exactly what the cops are paid to do. Many people are equally concerned with police violence and interpersonal violence; the city’s solution of flooding the CD with cops after Justin Ferrari was shot is a slap in the face. Young black and brown and poor folk will probably know what I am talking about. It is probably a lot harder for more comfortable people who don’t have an understanding of how institutionalized racism works in this society.
That building was intended to be a center for black/African culture and popular education… now it’s a glorified art gallery and expensive condos. A lot of people are still angry about it.
And what the fuck is wrong with a restless native? Racist much?
The venue was a poor choice. I hope that was one of the lessons learned {there should be many!}.
I agree.
Wow! A trifecta: Obscenity (smart people don’t have to swear), histrionic over-reaction, and a tired cliche. You win today’s ridiculous post award!
while i don’t aprove of how the mayor was treated at the meeting i think he acted like a big baby by leaving the way he did.
…and a lot of people are still angry about how the MLK School got sold.
I wan hanging out in the park, the mayor walked by mere feet from me looked at me and didn’t say so much as hello. To their credit other people in the group did as did one of the mayors airs and the police brass that was present. The aid told me about the meeting but had a dinner party to throw.
As much as I dislike our local “anarchist” kiddo brigade, I have far more dislike for the mayor, especially now as he seems above saying hello or even acknowledging the people he claims to represent. Personally I am glad he got shouted down, I just wish it was done with a little more tact. Our the neighborhood is far beyond the anarchist clubs little complaints of gentrification and capitalism. There is a serious public safety issue that the mayor refuses to address. Meanwhile the police chief has the nerve to say “It is not a gang problem, it is a gun problem.” Ironically I was carrying when the mayors NY carpet bagging ass was failing to acknowledge me, pretty responsible gun ownership if you ask me.
The mayors lack of action and failure to even control his own meeting further proves that we are on our own as neighbors. The city Government is not going to help us, we have to organize to help ourselves. McSchwinn needs to hop on his electric bike and take his homeless looking ass back to the Least Coast.
Thanks! I was at an EastPac meeting several months ago, where I believe the SPD officer mentioned that these types of positions had gotten refunded. I could be wrong…and I could not find anything specific on the SPD website about it. They definitely were talking about police work that involved social service teams in order to help folks get into the right social service needs instead of just getting hauled off to jail.
It sounds like you have been to those meetings too. Stephanie Tschida, the chair, would know, and could get you the specific program name and details and is certainly a good advocate between the citizens here in the East Precinct and SPD.
@Tom, have you talked with Omari over at Umojafest Peace Center? He was one of the original school occupiers who was protesting for a Youth Cultural Center for African Americans. I wasn’t at the meeting, but I know Omari was planning to attend. Omari grew up in the neighborhood and has some interesting perspectives on the history of the CD.
I dont always agree with the Mayor, but I have seen him spend a lot of time in several different Q and A sessions respectfully answering all questions thoughtfully.
Disagree with his positions all you want, but he’s a pretty nice guy who is fairly liberal, if not progressive, on many issues. More so than the last few mayors for sure.
I wasnt at this meeting, so cant say what happened but…seems like the folks involved in disrupting the meeting got what they wanted – some ego-boosting and ‘statement making’.
I think most Cd people’s concerns are public safety, social services, and education.
People can make excuses all they want, but the truth is that whenever a mayor – any mayor – comes to the CD, the a-holes and the crazies come out and ruin it for everyone. Remember when that jerk decided to bean Schell with the bullhorn?
The truth is that West Seattle, Ballard, Wallingford, etc, get the services and attention they get because the residents are adults. You would never see this kind of boorish, immature, stupid behavior in those neighborhoods – just as you don’t see the violence.
Until we start acting like adults, we’re stuck. Maybe when this generation of “Community Leaders” dies off.
Well said Richard!
Anthony, to your question: Seattle’s non-arterial streets are supposed to be driven at no higher than 25MPH (and I’m assuming that’s where your interest is, as opposed to arterials).
SPD is the agency responsible for enforcing speed limits. If you have specific corridors let East Precinct know. The more people let them know about a specific area, the better the odds are it gets some attention.
There are other things you can do about speeding. SDOT has a program for building traffic circles, and there are other interventions that can be done if the problems are severe enough. Your neighborhood council should be able to help with these things.
Another way to slow down traffic is to get more people on the street, on foot and on bicycles. Motorists tend to go fastest in predictable environments, which is why interstates are designed the way they are. There are a million different things you can do to interact with your neighbors and get more people out; simple things like walking your dog and/or walking with your kids/spouse/significant other are all good.
Richard, krikky, would love to hear what you’re thinking and help make connections. johns at transdes.com
Also be aware that Omari, one of the occupiers smashed then Mayor Paul Schell in the face with a megaphone at a community meeting and was aressted and convicted. The Mayor had broken facial bones and his eye socket is still disfigured and causes him pain. We needed a larger police presence at this last meeting.
There is an inate stragegy for survival of the underdog when more constructive mechanisms are not successful. I call it “crapping in the nest”. We all know that nobody wants to move into a vile rat infested crime ridden ____ hole. There for, if you are in a competition for territiory and you cannot sustain the battle – you can devalue the prize. That’s what we have going on here. Any proposals or efforts to improve are shot down by the nest crappers, including those that shouted down McGinn. It is clearly a successfull strategy. The CD is close to the city. Incredible views of Rainier, Sodo, and the olympics. It should really be increasing in value. Obviously, however, a large number of us realize that the nest crappers will continue for decades. Unless the economy really kicks in strong, I think we could see the CD looking more like south Detroit. Boarded up homes squatted in by shaddow citizens stripping every element of value from the properties and streets. People will be pulling the man hole covers and storm grates to sell for scrap. Phone lines will be yanked from the poles and burned in piles to retrieve the copper. Murders will go on counted with the bodies left on hillsides to be picked upart by feral dogs. Churches will be surrounded by chain link and razor wire. Marriage parties will be chased out by the priest before sun-down as he padlocks the gate and flees for the night. 1 in 20 kids will succeed in escaping. Bed bugs and lice will cover old people and cats alike. That’s where we are headed. Get out while you can! Short sell. Flee. Close your shops and cash out before the August riot.
This was the same guy that beaned Schell. Mayor was lucky to get out with his eye socket intact. Same malcontents crapping in the nest as 20 years ago.
And good thing no one got John T. Williams’d…
Nationwide many of the generations Community Leaders were killed, jailed and bought leaving a population of disenfranchised youth lacking direction and guidance so enjoy your “gangs” Made In America.
John T. Williams was a very unfortunate case for all involved. It is sad what happenned to him. However, if you wander the streets in a drunken state, with a knife (regardless of why) you are likely to have confrontations with police. The shooting was justified. This was not police brutality. It was a case of an officer beign frightenned for his life and not being aware of the life history of Mr. Williams. These things happen, regretably.
What happened at NAAM and is happening in the CD is that the police are being asked by loudmouthed malcontents to leave the CD. If we do not counter them we will have less police and more violence. The police are not the problem. Cultural values in the CD are the problem.
Also, What an arrogant self centered bunch of garbage to usurp the meeting that we all wanted and use it for the decades old grudge agenda by a worthless nobody. We need to eject them from the CD. They are the problem.
@FYI. Bull.
The poor disenfranchised need to grow spines. Millions upon millions of people all over the world manage to overcome challenges astronomically worse than the conditions in the CD. We are not going to listen to that whit guilt bs for another 50 years. Get over it, pull your pants up, and try harder.
Grow a spine…really.
I actually agree with you about growing and spine and “trying harder” to clean up the mess that the good innocent white folks have created.
Unfortunately most white people prefer the comfort of their current state of privilege and fear nothing more than non-white poor/disenfranchised people(most of world) who they have, and continue to violate and exploit, growing spines. And they do everything in their power to prevent strengthening of such backbone that would make them self determining human beings who act in the interests of self (which is perceived as detrimental to local and global white minorities desires).
Far too many white people can’t even handle a black person who speaks back to them or challenges them with an sense of entitlement and authority that is equal to their own. They are immediately deemed “aggressive or intimidating” or better yet “malcontent”.
Spine like Malcom X?…Spine like MLK?
Spine like Black Panthers who cleaned up drugs/prostitution, started copwatch programs to protect human/constitutional rights, free breakfast programs, health clinics, etc?
Spine like the builders of Black Wall Street?
Please clarify.
You seem to be big on responsibility and you need to take some responsibility for the status quo you perpetuate.
After reading the write up and additional comments posted else where on the CD Blog http://centraldistrictnews.com/2012/06/21/mayors-juneteenth- I am reminded how complicated this is. I wasn’t there so it’s not fair for me to judge when I wasn’t even present. I want to be part of the solution. I want to live in a community. I will seek out a neighborhood group and join it. I thank everyone who has contributed to the conversation on so many levels. We just have to keep talking.
Sorry – bad link: http://centraldistrictnews.com/2012/06/21/mayors-juneteenth-
Nobody said Malcome X or MLK were spineless. That is rediculous and also precisely my point. Millions of americans and immigrants of all races and nationalities have worked extremely hard to overcome adversity. Many fail as well but keep trying. I see hundreds of ethiopians or what ever here driving cabs and what ever it takes.
No where do I say or imply anything in general about black people. What I am saying is that you (personally) are promoting a victim culture that provides 10,000 reasons why a person can’t make it. The white man keeps us down. Garbage. Work harder. Be more honest. Volunteer, gain experience etc. etc.
And for what reason would this imaginary black person be “challenging” me or “speaking back” and for what reason would they care what I think of this challenge. Challenge yourself. I got nothing to do with you.
White privalage. For you information most white people work damn hard for what they get. I will give that a black person on average has a few more hurdles to get over. But, in case you haven’t noticed, some blacks have become champion hurdlers. Quit complaining about hurdles and master them. I have difficult challenges every day. I spend weeks and years trying to figure out the next path ahead of the competition. How to comply with new regulations and still get critical work done. It takes years of study and continual refreshment. All professions do. You can’t just sit around and say I want that job too. I created my job from noting. Nobody knew they needed a guy like me. They certainly don’t like me. I would be fired in a heart beat, except, I can move anything, anywhere in the world, anytime, within days. I can because I had a dream and spent 20years trying. And I still struggle every day to get jobs done.
That is what I mean by grow a spine – plan on working very very hard with no reckognition for it. You seem to think we should all just pat you on the back and give you some cash for a task any idiot could do better. You must take your place in society. Nobody is going to give you anything worth having. A free lunch is for suckers. After lunch ya still have nothing.
@ Knox: I think you mean EAST of MLK to the lake for the Leschi Community Council (not West). I joined.
Re: “Most white people…do everything in their power to prevent strengthening of such backbone…”
Yes, it’s all a grand conspiracy and white people like me, a white woman in my 50’s working at your grocery store and living in the CD my whole life, “do everything in our power” to keep down our black neighbors. (Ha! What power?)
How does being amazingly paranoid and obsessed with imaginary victimhood at the hands of your equally poor, struggling neighbors serve to better your life? All you’re doing is teaching you’re kids that they are victims, forever and ever in to eternity, of their equally poor, struggling neighbors. It must be nice not to be responsible for your own life.
So you admit you have a concealed hand gun when the Mayor passed you? Do you have a concealed weapons permit? I suggest the police, if they are follow this blog find you and arrest you if you do not. Your attitude and wording suggests a potential dangerous armed person. You did give your name. I am surprised no one else has picked up on this post.
Hope, I am eyes and you must be the pathetic troll who can’t spell
LOL Browning was a famous gunsmith.
Dear Jujubees
No, I do not have a “concealed weapons permit” because such a thing does not exist in this state. I do however have a State of Washington License to Carry a Concealed Pistol. I also have far more firearms training than your average cop, spent 4 years in Law enforcement (corrections) and another 7 in public safety and Emergency medicine.
Sorry, I am not the dangerous armed thug you are looking for.
Sincerely yours,
Eugene Stoner
P.S. Unlawful concealed carry is not a felony offense, even if I was carrying without a permit the police would not be able to track me down on the internet and arrest me, besides they have more important things to do.
I had to google that one – M16
Worried about speeding?
Silly white people.
“…and a lot of people are still angry about how the MLK School got sold.”
To a politically connected African Americam church? Tell me more why don’t you.
You act like a bunch of entitled 2 yr olds and then comPlain about being talked down to. The irony.
I thought we were calling that the international district now, though it is almost entirely populated by various asians.
So you suggest we drive the CD to being – more Africani or Black or what ever you want to call it. Uhh, what if I was the one suggesting that? Seems kind of segregationist. Maybe just a little bit racist.
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