The house was full tonight at the Garfield Community Center for the “Dog Talk” Town Hall Meeting! Held in observance of National Prevention Week, the purpose of this event was to listen to youth and adults talk about alcohol and other drug use. Steve Freng, the Prevention/Treatment Manager for Northwest HIDTA (High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area) gave an interesting analysis of incidences of drug use and abuse both statewide and in King County.
Particularly inspiring was the student panel discussion of perceptions, availability and resistance to drugs and alcohol, as well as sound advice as to what schools, parents and mentors need to do to prevent substance abuse. The students, from Garfield, Roosevelt, and Middle College High School as well as Washington Middle School, were articulate, enlightened and impressive as they shared their experiences, positions and opinions.
Sponsors included the Central Seattle Drug Free Communities Coalition, Garfield High School, Teen Health Center and PTSA, Partners in Prevention Center for Human Services, King County Mental Health Chemical Abuse and Dependency Services Division, Seattle Parks and Recreation Garfield Community Center and Teen Life Center, and Puget Sound Educational Service District.
Way to Go!