A coffee shop in the mornings and a sports bar at night, Wonder Coffee & Sports Bar will keep the lights on at 19th and Jackson when it opens in March.
Starting at 4 a.m., the shop will operate as a coffee shop with lunch food and wifi. At 4 p.m., it will close and switch over to dinner, which will go from 6 until 2 a.m., said owner Negsha Yassin. Yassin already owns several stores in the city including the Corner Store and Deli at 16th and Jackson.
Inside, the thing that might stand out the most is the body of a sports car sitting in the corner with a private seating area nearby. There will also be an outdoor patio space.
Yassin also said he hopes to have 50 beers on tap, in addition to the full bar.
“I want to compete with Seattle bars,” he said.
For dinner, the restaurant will serve “all different types of American food,” said Yassin. This includes everything from pizza to burgers and sandwiches. For lunch, it will be mostly cafe-style sandwiches and wifi (wifi is a food group, right?).
Yassin has been working on the restaurant for over a year, he said. Work will be wrapping up in the next couple weeks, and doors should open in March.
We’ll finally have a neighborhood bar!
Let’s just hope the 50 beers on tap thing pans out…. :)
Everything about this — the name, the concept, the car — sounds bizarre, but it’ll be nice to have a bar a little closer than Twilight.
I think the Wonder comes from the Wonder Bread establishment that was at 20th & Jackson for so many years. You’re on your own re: the concept and sports car. :)
I have been waiting for a good neighborhood bar in walking distance and will check this place out. But I also don’t get the car. I walk by this spot all the time. When I first saw the sign I was excited, but when I looked closely at the picture and saw the car theme thought ugh this isn’t going to be the neighborhood hangout I was hoping for not into that kind of tacky. Please rethink your concept if you want to compete with Seattle bars. Why have a car take up valuable square footage that could be filled with paying customers?
Also, I get why you named it the Wonder Bar but there already was a Wonder Bar on 45th in Wallingford and it didn’t make it.
Welcome to the neighborhood!
Happy hour?
The more the merrier. Finally a place to have a drink and relax on the Jackson St. corridor.
I hope it is comfortable. So many places in the CD have crappy little chairs and you feel like the staff is standing 2 feet away while you try to eat. Man – I could use a beer and a good bitch session about all the commies and thugs in the hood.
I’ll be the guy with a grumpy face and a Manny’s.
I’ll look for you and buy you a round Grumbo
With a name like Wonderbar it should serve German, sigh, I can only dream.
I ride my bike to work at 5 am most mornings and can safely say to the owners theres just not going to be enough live bodies ready for coffee at that hour…so hopefully the owners will realize this and get some rest and open at 6 instead!
It’s never too early. I would love to have plat ce to go early in the morning. It would be a huge help to get me out of the house for a swim at 0500. Or those mornings I have to drive to Eugene and nothing is upen until I get to the Starbucks just past Olympia.
Perhaps a fresh baked scone too go. I might even like to have the openning shift. A little work before work sounds good.
March has come and gone and nothing seems to be happening. Can we get an update?
I went by the other day and people were working inside. I’ll try to track down an update, good idea.
Hey, they’re finally open! Get down there and give us a report!
I’m there right now. Tune in tomorrow…
Made it openning day for Sbowl. Very nice. I’ll be back. Was an unusual ethnic mix for me, but very welcoming
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