But we love you at Central District News. You can contact us 24×7 at [email protected], by phone at (206) 399-5959, via Twitter at @cdnews or on Facebook.
To report a crime, dial 911. To contact the East Precinct, call (206) 684-4300.
to get involved with crime prevention in the neighborhood, the first meeting of the newly renamed East Precinct Advisory Council is September 22.
Because “community values” are working out so well and all….
This kind of confuses me, is this for or against reporting crime?
Plaster it over with a neighborhood watch sign…
It follows that everyone loves thieves and violence! So true! Nothing like turning a neighborhood into a prison.
The nails in the baseball bat are a nice added threat.
someone steals from whoever put up this sign
This is disgusting.
I can’t wait until this neighborhood is finally cleaned up again, maybe in 15 years or so.
Well NIMBY, I say! if I see one I’m taking it down. Take that, you cwazy anarchists!
It is like those f the police posters I see around the CD, bunch of criminals trying to keep the CD their private drug dealing neighborhood hideout.
It’s an attempt by thugs to intimidate people from cooperating with police.
Yeah, pretty self-serving.
I must be missing something. That poster is horrible.
They could substitute “idiots” for “everyone” on this poster. For every robber, mugger, rapist, there’s a victim. Who would YOU rather protect? If it’s the criminal, you are the “idiot” – and you’re possibly the next victim. (or your mom, sister, aunt, grandmother).
As long as the CD is intimidated by the loser-thugs, they’ll continue to be the victims, and the losers. The bad choces continue. What’s new? Protecting the thugs, not the victims, is old news. Sad.
This is exactly why, after five years, I am leaving the CD. Thugs, in-your-face drug deals, people throwing filth — diapers, bottles, fast-food bags, diapers, used condoms — out of their cars onto the street and, last night, a bullet hole through my son’s bedroom window. In this economy, there’s little reason to expect any of this to change.
don’t hold your breath. i’ve been here 12 years and i’m still waiting for the city to care about our neighborhood as much as they care about the other (read “white”) neighborhoods.
yes, and it’s all up to the city, isn’t it? You’re just helpless, aren’t you?
Professional victims always fail, because they love being victims.
Oh, so the neighborhood thugs are hanging out at Kinkos now? Don’t snitch on us or we’ll have to get passive aggressive on yo azz!
Of course this is allowed to be here. We are a containment zone! Unless we have a class action suite by SUEing them it will alwyas remain the same. So OK, come on say your sick of seeing the same crap from me but until you wake up and fight back against the social service agencies who want to control this area and those in city governemnt who use this as an area for containing crime so no other district has to deal with it
it will be the same old, same old.
The folks sueing in the jackson place neighborhood have it down. Supporting them and spreading the movement forward will begin to make a diffrence. Going to crime group meetings is useless, they only want you to vent. They have a job to do, to get ride of the criminals, and they really do not have direction from city policy to do that. Until we sue welcome to the containment zone!
you can sue all you want. It won’t help, it’ll just waste money.
As long as your neighbors cover for criminals and allow themselves to be intimidated, nothing will change. The old saying “change comes from within” applies here.
Every piece of shit that would put up a poster like “nobody likes a snitch” is somebody’s brother, or sister, or son, or daughter. Or especially in the CD, grandson/granddaughter.
someone needs to make a poster that says “everyone hates a BULLY” and plaster them under these signs.
sounds great – how about just pasting over parts of these with
“Do the Right Thing – Report Crime” or
“What Would MLK Do?”
As the older people who shelter the thugs die off, things will improve. Thugs won’t be able to hold on to the property – especially after they lose the senior discount on property taxes – so it will go into foreclosure, and normal people will buy into the neighborhood. They can take their thug asses to Renton or Kent or Federal Way.
The problem is the seniors.
racist much???
Ha! thank you. That made my day.
As someone who has lived in the CD for 47 years i say to you, THANK YOU for speaking the truth. That is absolutely the issue in the CD. Elders who own their homes, sheltering and enabling crack headed criminals. In the 80’s the only way we cleaned up our block was to threaten abatement of the grandmas on the block. It was sad to see them sell and go, but that’s what you get for allowing drug dealing felons to ruin entire blocks because they happen to be your sometimes only distant relative living off of your social security. It’s elder abuse, enabled by the elders and it keeps the CD in criminals via guilt and intimidation of grandparents. Good riddance!
whiners: when i see someone dealing crack on my street i am not allowed to arrest them for illegal activities. that is the job of our police department which is an agent of the city. so yes, crime enforcement *is* up to the city.
Look at these posters. These are designed and produced by people that want or are working for people who want the status quo to exist. They are not done by gang bangers or their grandmotherS or family. They are contrived! Bats with nails are old school, guns are the thing. Ask yourseleves, what generation had the mental construct to design this poster WITH BATS AND NAILS (50’S) and what are their financial gains! FOLLOW THE MONEY$$$$$.
You know – when I moved to this neighborhood (about 15 years ago – but yeah, I know, I’m still pretty much a newbie), my street wasn’t that great. Every time I saw someone dealing out in front of my house I called the cops and they came. Now, they would have no idea what race I was – they don’t even talk to me much less see me, only the dispatcher even talks to you, so I don’t see what your problem is…. I just stay calm and describe what is going on and they actually do take it seriously – heck even when it is something weird…. like someone stealing my recycle bin… (turned out it was a good place to stash all of their shoplifting….) It took a little time, but eventually the dealers figured it out that they’d at very least get chased away if they were out there. I’ll bet I haven’t seen anyone doing it on my street at all for probably 10 years now. Things can certainly change, but you need to keep at making it happen.
a good plan would be to tie those tax abatements to not harboring repeat felons.
“racist much???”
Seriously? That’s the best you can come up with? A tired cliche that was never very good to begin with? What sitcom did you get that from?
You’re the one who had to go there, and only because you had nothing you could say to argue against it. I’m not going to be cowed by you calling me a racist because you’re too lazy or lack the intellect to counter my assertion.
Community loyalty and inter-generational family living are wonderful, admirable traits. The “No Snitching” and “loser-living-with-grandma” phenomenas are corruptions of those traits. You can scream racism all you want, or you can be a community of adults who recognize when bad traits lead to bad results, and make changes that benefit everyone.
yah, I saw one at 23rd and Jefferson on my walk home from work recently, on the pole adjacent to Ezell’s. I’ll admit it, I defaced it while I was waiting for the light to change. I noticed on my walk home this evening that I wasn’t the only one…someone else had helped it along, too. Fair amount of effort put into such an unfortunate message.
Eyes might be onto something. After all, the spelling and grammar is correct, and it was hung on the pole correctly. Obviously, this is the work of the white male patriarchy, probably to keep real estate prices affordable in the containment zone.
Thanks for that sharp-eyed cultural commentary, eyes. Right on the mark, as usual.
Eye roll, why thank you for your support of my idea. I do want to point out some mistakes in your sarcasm. “this is the work of the white male patriarchy” is this what you are, are you projecting a bit of yourself in this statement. Surely noting I said, jackass.
That was a racist comment and we all know “thug” is a term that people use when they don’t want to say black people. I agree that crime has to stop but saying go to Kent or Renton? Why don’t you go back to the tri cities or Spokane???
I’m so sick of hearing people complain about how sick they are of living in their neighborhood. I understand things are bad but are any of you willing to volunteer to make it better? Helping clean, mentor or start a block watch would be nice instead of complaining.
If you’re that upset about where you live then leave. Plenty of people who would be grateful to live where you do :D
Thug isn’t racist. It’s a term for anyone who would use physical violence as a means to an end. I, for one, very much enjoy the diversity of the CD/ID but am tired of ‘thugs’ who prey upon the people of our neighborhood.
I’m a big guy and love to walk but won’t make the journey home on foot after dark. I’ve had too many close calls with ‘thugs’ and desparate addicts to walk. When the bus isn’t available, I call a cab.
Tasha, free yourself from the chip on your shoulder…. I can’t find a single mention of race in the proper definition of Thug.
1. A violent person, esp. a criminal.
We are not sick of living in the neighborhood just sick of living with the vile criminals that the city contains here. You apprach does not and will never work on damaged goods. The abatement program was working great until it slowed down. Heavy enforcement and abatement of property on a broad elevated scale is the only way.
Without citizens leaning on the city to finally “weed” the scum out permanently no “seed’ will grow.
Don’t like it? Tough!
The problem is not whether I’m racist. You keep trying to go there because you have no counter argument to make against my original assertion, and my subsequent comments.
That’s the problem.
Oh please save the bs for someone who doesn’t know any better. Thug asses to Renton or Kent? If you indeed did not mean to be racist that is one of the most elitist comments I have seen posted.
Tasha, stop trying to change the topic. You tried racism, and now you’re on to elitism. You’re going to run out of buzz words and stereotypes soon, and then where will you be?
If you have nothing but excuses and evasions of the original assertion why keep commenting? You’re just keeping this thread alive when you’ve lost.
You sir need a hobby besided championing for best debate on a blog. What you said did have hints of racism and the sad part about it is you knew exactly what you meant. Thug asses back to Renton. Come on? Get a life.
And you, Ma’am, need to acknowledge the problem in our community. Not just hide behind words like racism and elitism. This isn’t a debate – this is you in denial. It’s more of an on-line intervention :-)
Let me help you out, by removing the language that you find offensive. My post should now read as follows:
“As the older people who shelter the younger people who commit the majority of these crimes die off, things will improve. The younger people won’t be able to hold on to the property – especially after they lose the senior discount on property taxes – so it will go into foreclosure, and other people will buy into the neighborhood. The people causing the problem with then move to another neighborhood”
AND, for convenience sake, let me add my follow-up comment:
“Community loyalty and inter-generational family living are wonderful, admirable traits. The “No Snitching” and “loser-living-with-grandma” phenomenas are corruptions of those traits. You can scream racism all you want, or you can be a community of adults who recognize when bad traits lead to bad results, and make changes that benefit everyone.”
Now, with all the offensive bits expurged, what is your response?
I’ve up’d on my hatin skillz. I’ve always had a dis-satisfaction with everyone for the most part. This hood has helped me group some things pretty well – my hatred is much more compartmentalized now. Old people – d@# already, quit sucking, If you haven’t done it already it is too late to look good doing it. White dudes (other than me) nobody likes the way you look in that 1985 Euro car, What is it – a Saab? Beamer? Puegot? VW? Dork. Unless you got one of those 4X4 Westfalia’s. Those are OK. Women (yep, all one group) – stop being so peavish f sake. Blacks (there are two kinds). Kind 1 stop being worthless. Kind 2 stop appologizing for the worthless – let them go and move on. Asians (again two kinds) Old Asians – stop feeding the rats f sake! Young – middle stop turning left from Dearborn into that rat infested restaurant and quit operating rat infested restaurants, please. Native Americans – sorry about all that really, good luck. Muslims, uh, women have rights even if they are peavish and you are a religion, not a race so get over it. And if I haven’t been deleted yet, can we all agree that these things are real. What I have done for the neighbwhorehood is to properly label everyone.
So Grumbo. got any good rat recipies. Just remember, if you kill it you have to eat it.
Yeah I get that part but why is it endorsed here?
Endorsed on this blog? Or on the telephone pole? We’re not endorsing the poster. We suggest you tell us and the cops.
This appears to be the work of a slobbish ranking officer of the SPD, probably a leutenant or higher. They are putting out the word in conjuction with their BDG cohorts that retaliation will be brutal and sure for those that upset the cocaine cart in the CD. Close your curtains and stay inside. Even witnessing anything could bring harm to your family. Swift and sure.
Spotted at 23rd and Jefferson, by Ezells.
Also, whoever is doing this knows how to wheat paste….
which is REALLY hard to do!
So you guys are saying it is a kindergarten teacher perhaps? Just as we have always suspected – the liberal teachers are corrupting our children from the start. Now content in thier control of the schools they are spreading their social engineering onto our streets. Reducing all humanity to the lowest common denominator. Clearly it is the work of the WEA, SPD, and BGD combined. Only thing they won’t do is supply us with crack for free – BGD opposes that.
Well time old man, the problem with your thought process is less the racism than the flawed thinking. You assume that when gramma dies the crack heads will be out. But, you forget about all the depressed white chicks in this neighborhood. Expecially the really fat ones. The thugs will just mooch in with them. Also they create a never ending supply of depressed white chicks by raping them at a young age. You don’t really hear about this so much because the girls don’t want to report being raped. It is quite embarrasing I imagine.
Soo where is KIRO, KING and the rest doing a primetime story on this? If it was Wallingford or any other Seattle neighborhood there would be city wide outrage. Why is it not covered? It is to be expected in a CONTAINMENT ZONE! Wake up people. Demand media coverage and outrage or you will continue to be pissed off living in the social service crime infested social cesspool the city creates here. Going to crime meetings is just a tactic to have you vent. There is no intention to fix the decades old problems. If they were serious it would have been fixed years ago.
Eyes, you are now copy and pasting this response to any story it fits? Wow. You are really redundant.
The wheat paste and photocopying reeks of filthy smelly anarchist, someone should really clean out their little midden on 24th and Lane.
Send them back to live with mommy and daddy until they can figure out what “community” really is.
Seconded. And I’m pleased to report your wish has come true! Autonomia is history! But they’re not leaving without a snit. LOL.
“Autonomia has been pushed out of the neighborhood by anal-retentive, control-freak yuppies who are entirely ill-equipped to reside in a densely, diversely populated urban environment that is bound to erupt into riots within the next few years. “
If you want to read the entirety of their whiny rant, go crazy. It’s a hoot.
Those guys are funny. I’m guessing that most of them learned all the big words from the back cover of a book someone handed them at a party. It’s fun to sound smart and potty-mouthed at the same time!
And it’s totally circumstantial, sure, but the autonomia website, and their representatives’ comments on other sites like eatthestate and seattlecrime, were full of disdain for snitching, or what I might call “telling appropriate civic authorities about apparent violations of civil and criminal law.” I think being anti-snitch was even one of their core principles.
And I will continue to copy and paste it over and over as the same containment issues repeats itself over and over. Your comment is redundant or do you enjoys wallowing in social filth. Constantly reading about gun battles at Garfield and other horrible crime events and not seeing them in the mainstream media with an outraged community speaks to your denial. If you do not like reading it over and over do something about it.
Indeed. Does the dictionary redifine the words for each copy, or, does a word have the same set of definitions each time it is used.
Eyes defines the containment zone quite well. In fact we are the CZ rather than the CD. Or perhaps the CCZ – that seems more Orwellian, as do the city policies.
Ha ha. The Central Containment Zone! The CCZ. The DESC won’t need any containment – they are already in the CCZ. The whole hood is essentially a combination loony bin, subsidized living, soft walled detention center. Just put a dome over the whole thing and crime will go down in the rest of the city.
Foreign Cooperative Investigations
Cooperation with foreign law enforcement agencies is essential to the DEA mission because the trafficking syndicates responsible for the drug trade inside the United States do not operate solely within its borders. Such coperation was initiated in 1949 by the Federal Bureau of Narcotics, one of the DEA’s predecessor agencies. At that time, two agents were sent to Turkey, which was the world’s main producer of morphine base, and to France, where the morphine base was converted into heroin and shipped to the United States. The number of agents working on international cases gradually increased, and by the 1960s and 1970s, federal drug law enforcement agents were conducting major international operations. International efforts at that time focused on reducing marijuana trafficking along the border with Mexico and on curbing heroin trafficking by members of the French underworld, a case that became known as the “French Connection.” In 1973, the DEA was created, and the number of agents stationed in foreign countries continued to increase. By the 1990s, drug syndicates possessed greater financial and technological resources than ever before and as a result, had a greater ability to operate on a global scale. International cooperation became even more crucial to effective drug law enforcement. To support international investigations, the DEA is operating in 58 foreign countries in 2002. In 1976, the U.S. Government, through the Mansfield Amendment, adopted formal rules concerning DEA agents’ duties and activities while working abroad. Among the many restrictions, DEA agents were prohibited from active involvement in arrests of suspects in host countries and from participating in unilateral enforcement actions without the approval of officials from the host government. Operating strictly within these guidelines, DEA agents participate in five different law enforcement functions while working abroad:
Bilateral Investigations: DEA special agents assist their foreign counterparts by developing sources of information and interviewing witnesses. Agents work undercover and assist in surveillance efforts on cases that involve drug traffic affecting the United States. They provide information about drug traffickers to their counterparts and pursue investigative leads by checking hotel, airport, shipping, and passport records. In addition, when host country authorities need to know the origin of seized illicit drugs, DEA agents ship them back to DEA facilities in the United States for laboratory analysis. The DEA also seeks U.S. indictments against major foreign traffickers who have committed crimes against American citizens. In a number of cases, international drug trafficking syndicates were severely crippled when the DEA had kingpins indicted in the United States for violating U.S. laws and then extradited.
Foreign Liaison: The DEA actively participates in several international forums to promote international law enforcement cooperation. One forum is the annual International Drug Enforcement Conference (IDEC) that brings together upper-level drug law enforcement officials from South, Central, and North America, the Caribbean, Europe, and the Far East, to share drug-related intelligence and develop operational strategies that can be used against international drug traffickers. The yearly conferences focus on such areas of common concern as the growing sophistication of drug trafficking organizations and money laundering.
Institution Building: The DEA tries to help host countries fight the criminals in their midst by working with the people who have the integrity and the courage to pass strong anti-drug laws and build strong law enforcement institutions. For example, DEA’s successful operations in concert with the Colombian National Police (CNP) is an outgrowth of its long-term, persistent strategy to develop strong working relationships with reliable, honest governmental institutions. The fact that the CNP has been able to remain steadfast in the face of continuing threats of violence and the temptations of corruption is testimony to the honesty and valor of its leadership. The DEA has excellent working relationships with law enforcement in other countries as well, and these partnerships have resulted in tremendous successes across the globe. For example, the DEA works very closely with counter-narcotics agents in Peru, Bolivia, and Thailand. The DEA’s cooperative efforts with these countries has helped them develop more self-sufficient, effective drug law enforcement programs.
Intelligence Gathering: The DEA, respected for its drug intelligence gathering abilities, supports its foreign counterparts’ investigations by providing information, such as who controls the drug trade; how drugs are distributed; how the profits are being laundered; and how the entire worldwide drug system operates at the source level, transportation level, wholesale and retail levels. One U.S. federal effort is the Joint Information Coordination Centers program, which provides computer hardware and software, as well as training, to 20 host country nationals overseas, primarily in Central and South America and the Caribbean. This program enables those countries to establish intelligence-gathering centers of their own and is modeled after the DEA’s El Paso Intelligence Center.
International Training: The agency conducts training for host country police agencies at the DEA training facilities in Quantico, Virginia, and on-site in the host countries, as well.
In January of 1997, a seven County area in the State of Washington was designated a High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA) by the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP). The Northwest HIDTA encompasses seven counties including Whatcom, Skagit, Snohomish, King, Thurston, Pierce, and Yakima. This area is the region’s main drug trafficking gateway having five different importation routes. They are: (1) SeaTac Airport; (2) large scale container traffic through the Ports of Seattle and Tacoma; (3) I-5 corridor traffic coming north from the U.S. Mexican border; (4) the Yakima Valley (Highway 97) the predominant corridor to Eastern Washington and, (5) cross-border traffic to and from Canada in Whatcom County. The recent rise in methamphetamine clandestine lab activity is also seriously impacting on the regions drug trafficking problems.
Four Northwest HIDTA initiatives address the demand reduction elements of the mission and goals. The Drug Court Development initiative supports enhancements to each of the programs operated in HIDTA counties. The Community Coalition Support initiative entails a regional substance abuse prevention strategy, implemented by innovative projects in each HIDTA County. The Public Education/Awareness initiative includes the “M-Files” website, the “Say It Straight” training curriculum and print/video materials about marijuana and methamphetamine. The MIS/Evaluation initiative is comprised of outcome studies of the HIDTA-region Drug Court programs and prevention projects, and the development of a regional case management information system network.
The ISU’s two primary elements are the Watch Center and Analytical Unit. The Analytical Unit provides both tactical and strategic intelligence services. The strategic responsibilities of this group include providing regional threat assessments on an annual basis. Analytical Unit members may work closely with investigators as a criminal case develops or with attorney’s in preparation for trial. This HIDTA service is designed to enhance the investigative process by applying proven intelligence analysis techniques. The Watch center offers two very important and highly valued services for drug investigators; deconfliction and Intelligence Research. Deconfliction plots drug arrests, sales, money pickup, raids, and surveillance and places them onto a computerized map. If another agency is working on the same subject, in very close proximity or if the agencies are targeting each other, the computer alerts the operator. Each agency involved is then told that a conflict may exist and is asked to contact the agency in conflict. The Watch Center’s analysts have the ability to supply investigators with drug intelligence information from the Federal, State, and Local agencies. The Watch Center uses the Western States Information Network (WSIN) as its primary database. All Watch Center employees are cross designated as WSIN analysts and have computer access to WSIN and the Regional Information Sharing System (RISS).
The Investigative Support Unit has a surveillance equipment loan program. It includes night vision equipment, tracking devices, audio and video recording equipment. The HIDTA’s electronics technician provides assistance to investigators by installing telephone intercept devices such as trap and trace; pen registers and dialed number recorders. The HIDTA also provides investigators with the ability to intercept criminal activity involving digital pagers. This loaned equipment program is similar to WSIN’s in many respects. The HIDTA’s Electronic Technician trains investigators on how to use each piece of evidence gathering electronics.