Is anyone else concerned about the risk of t-boning throughout the side streets between Union and Cherry particularly on cross streets like 25th?
I have been in the area for about 2 months now and have nearly been t-boned by a car coming down the hill from 23rd 3 times. This area is up and coming with more and more families and children moving to the area, and for there to not be any sort of intersection control mechanism seems negligent.
I have written our councilman and got the reply that accidents do not occur there and their reports do not show that any sort of control mechanism is really needed. Hard to accept. Anyone else have thoughts?
Hi Tom,
I share your concerns and know of two recent serious documented accidents this year on 25th, one of them I have photos of and both have police case numbers. I am more than eager to see roundabouts to reduce the danger of accidents.
Thank you, Grace