Are you considering high school options for your kids? Join Lake Washington Girls Middle School as we welcome representatives from 30 Seattle-area independent day and national boarding schools, eager to tell you about their exciting programs, at our 2nd annual High School Fair – the only one of its kind in Seattle. Come learn the application process, financial aid and scholarships options, academics, arts, clubs and activities, community service, athletics, the boarding school experience, and much, much more! Attendance and parking are free! We hope to see you there.
Schools that attended last year…
The Bush School
Forest Ridge School of the Sacred Heart
Lakeside School
Archbishop Murphy High School
Eastside Catholic School
Seattle Preparatory Academy
Seattle Lutheran
Holy Names Academy
Kennedy Catholic High School
Bishop Blanchet High School
O’Dea High School
Emma Willard School, Troy, NY
Westover School, Middlebury, CT
Miss Halls School, Pittsfield, MA
Middlesex School, Concord, MA
Miss Porter’s School, Farmington, CT
The Taft School, Watertown, CT
Pomfret School, Pomfret, CT
Cushing Academy, Ashburnham, MA
Gould Academy, Bethel, ME
Cate School, Carpinteria, CA
Annie Wright School, Tacoma, WA
Northfield Mount Hermon School, Mount Hermon, MA
The Hotchkiss School, Lakeville, CT
Dana Hall School, Wellesley, MA
Blair Academy, Blairstown, NJ
Holderness School, Plymouth, NH
Vermont Academy, Saxtons River, VT
Choate Rosemary Hall, Wallingford, CT
The Webb Schools, Claremont, CA
More information and a real-time list of the attending schools visit