As far as symbols and deeper meanings go, we won’t get too far into it — though cleansing the tragedies of the corner of 23rd and Union with something as bright and happy sounding as a Beehive Bakery is an irresistible connection. But now that it’s been five months since we reported that Ian Eisenberg and business partner Ken Hovde were cooking up a place that would be “more bakery than coffee shop” in the old home of Philly’s Cheesesteak, you are probably ready for a flaky pastry and a cup of coffee. Unfortunately, we can’t tell you when your order will be up.
CDN reached out to Eisenberg and Hovde to find out the latest on Beehive but didn’t hear back on status of the project. Eisenberg referred us to Hovde. Hovde hasn’t yet responded. In late December, Hovde told the Seattle Times the bakery was slated for a February debut. Eisenberg’s Seattle Suds car wash is a Central District News advertiser.
The old cheesesteak shop has sat empty since 2008. Rey Alberto Davis-Bell was convicted in the 2008 murder of Degene “Safie” Dashasa.
For good reason, a lot of the inquiries CDN gets about the bakery are laced with worries related to the 23rd and Union’s troubled past. As the corner sees new investment and initiatives, worries persist that things will slip back to normal after the Mayor makes his visit. But not everything is a march toward ruin. See? The 23rd/Union gas station came back. We’ll keep checking on Beehive.
I heard a rumor that the holdup is a permitting issue. The story was that the space has been unused long enough that the existing use permit as a restaurant has lapsed and requiring new permits meeting the current codes. This may involve more planning, remodeling and $$ than first expected. It would be nice to know where in the process the bakery is and fingers are crossed that it is still proceeding. I agree with Justin that it sure is taking a long time for the intersection to come back to life. The bakery opening would be a big crack in the wall of doubt.
We are ready for the bakery. If it’s permitting, good luck!
No record of any permit action at 1400 23rd. Why can’t they just give us the straight scoop? That whole intersection is so depressing…We just drove through it this morning asking why it had to be such a dump.
Jane, Roselin and I are very thankful for all our neighbors support and patience! I am one of those guys standing “in the line” down at DPD – the permit center. We have received a project number (yea) 6276960, yet another box must be checked prior to our final submittal known as “intake”. It is true that the building has been vacant in excess of one year. This did trigger a number of requirements that we were not aware of, such as bringing the structure up to current earthquake code. At this rate we may have to freshen up our coming soon signs!
Ian has been patient too, yet we are all anxious for the coffee to be hot and the goodies tasty. It will be really fun to meet you in our shop and we will celebrate the positive actions in our neighborhood! Thanks again for all your concern, comments and support. We will stay the course.
Sincerely, Ken
We’ll be there!
I walk by the place daily and can’t wait.
can’t wait to support you!
once you get through the red tape!
Ken – is there a place to send contributions? Seriously – i’d be happy to givce you $10 or $20 to help get thru the crap with DPD and provide ‘angel investor’ capital for your brave venture.
Good luck and hang in there!
I’m so glad to hear that things are still in the works! We’ll definitely be by as soon as you’re open. Best of luck to you :-)
I hope the riffraff that frequents the area doesn’t keep people from supporting you. It’s time to reclaim that corner.
Me too. Better yet, drive through cheese steaks!
For just bakery goods (and super affordable ones at that) I’ll keep driving a few blocks and go to the huge bakery on Jackson. What other food will you have? Lunch food would be a welcome addition! Or something the kids from Garfield will eat. Or, you know, Philly Cheese Steak sandwiches would be just fine, too.
Didn’t you hear? SPD is moving out of the substation there. A good start!
Is this the same Ian Eisenberg in this article from Wired Magazine?
Is this the same Ian Eisenberg mentioned in this FTC Injunction?
Is this the same Ian Eisenberg mentioned in this culinary blog?
And this?
And this?
Well, if it is, all I can recommend is that you don’t purchase any cream filled pastries at the Bakery on 23rd and Union.
I sorry but the way you treated MCCC with the Parking issue is unacceptable, I personally will never spend a dime in your bakery and I will encourage others not to patronized your business. You must not of been thinking when you made that decision since you could of made good sales on Sunday mornings with the two services and all the other weekly functions at MCCC.
You should of taken the time and discussed it with Pastor Witherspoon, he would of listened to your concerns and maybe you could of came to a agreement for the benefit of the community.