This is late notice, but Councilmember Mike O’Brien is hosting a community transportation discussion at 6 p.m. tonight (April 12). The discussion will feature speakers from WSDOT and SDOT as well as Carla Saulter, also known as the writer behind Bus Chick.
Tuesday, April 12, 6–8:30 p.m. – Central District
Seattle Vocational Institute 2120 S. Jackson St., Seattle
Featured Speakers:
• Mark Hallenbeck, Director of the Washington State Transportation Center at UW (TRAC)
• Jennifer Wieland, Seattle Dept. of Transportation
• Transit blogger Carla Saulter, a.k.a. “Bus Chick”
I am feeling a little outraged that notice is given only 2 hours before the meeting. I am just seeing it. What were the other efforts to notify the public here? I plan to email the Council regarding this.