You are invited to help plant flowers and tidy up the Officer Brenton Memorial from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. April 23. The memorial, located at 29th and Yesler, was dedicated last Holloween, marking one year since he was murdered while sitting in his patrol car near the memorial site.
From Robert Cipollone, member of the memorial committee in Leschi:
It’s spring and time to plant some flowers and tidy up the memorial site.
Please come out Saturday April 23 from 11am to 1pm to plant some additional plants and put down some mulch.
Please bring work gloves, small shovels, brooms, dust bin and any other garden tools you think appropriate.
Feel free to bring so nibblely food to share so we can all socialize as we work.
Looking forward to seeing everyone after the dark cold winter!
Map is correct, but words don’t match
Oops! Typo. Just fixed it. Thanks.