Do you have an idea for a small neighborhood project? Maybe the city’s Neighborhood Matching Fund is the way to make your idea happen. From art projects to pedestrian safety improvements, the NMF rewards volunteers for their donated time and resources by matching contributions with city money. There is a workshop at 6 p.m. tonight (April 25) at the Garfield High School computer lab to learn more about the NMF’s new online application system.
The small and simple projects could provide up to $20,000 for community building projects. From the Department of Neighborhoods website:
The Small and Simple Projects Fund provides awards up to $20,000 to support community members in building community relationships around a project. Small and Simple Projects Fund activities may be physical projects as well as less tangible but equally significant educational, cultural, and relationship-strengthening activities. All projects must demonstrate its capacity to build a stronger and healthier community, and must:
- Provide a public benefit and be free and open to all members of the public.
- Emphasize self-help, with project ideas initiated, planned and implemented by the neighbors and community members who will themselves be impacted by the project.
- Demonstrate community match.
- Occur within the Seattle city limits.
One example of a NMF project in the area right now is the CD Public Art Project, which is developing ideas for community art projects through a series of interactive public meetings. The group’s second public meeting will be April 28 at the Central Area Senior Center (500 30th Ave S). See our coverage of the group’s first meeting.
From the Department of Neighborhoods:
Join us for the first of two Neighborhood Matching Fund workshops being offered to learn about the new on-line application system. The workshop starts at 6 p.m. and will be held in the computer lab at Garfield High School, 2323 E Cherry St. Contact Danielle Calloway at 733-9916 for more information. The next Small and Simple deadline is Monday, May 9.