Community Post

Update: Owner Found!!! 3 Hens wandering on 21st Avenue, heading home today :)

Thanks for your help, awesome people of the CD and rock’in 21st Avenue!  Jessica is getting her girls right now.  Happy endings are wonderful!


Three beautiful full-sized chickens were found wandering on 21st Avenue between Union St. & Marion St. tonight at 7:45 pm.  Worried for their safety, I captured them and put them into my own chicken coop/cage.  I created a make-shift “coop” with a tarp and curtain over a branch in the corner of the cage, because they are too large to fit in my coop with my 6 bantam hens.  Please call me if these hens are yours!  Rachelle 206-720-6307.

0 thoughts on “Update: Owner Found!!! 3 Hens wandering on 21st Avenue, heading home today :)

  1. They’re mine!!!! Yellow, black and white and black and gold? Then they’re mine!! I have been worried sick. We had to re-home our rooster yesterday and it looks like the ladies went wandering after him. I got home and they were gone. I have been going door to door handing out flyers and one of the neighbors was kind enough to alert me to this post.

    Please call me ASAP so I can come get them. Thank you a million times over for shepherding them.

    (213) 284-4559

  2. Careful what you admit online — I’m pretty sure roosters aren’t allowed in they city

  3. You are correct. Rooster are not allowed in the city, which is why we found him a new home when we found out.

  4. You mean to say that the police would spend valuable time investigating a rooster ownership instead of catching the perp who robbed students not to mention the crack dealers that still exist here?

  5. It doesn’t have to be an either or situation does it? Jessica is saying she found out it was illegal and she did something about it. You seem to be suggesting that she skirt the law because it’s just a rooster and not robbery or crack (hilarious). That reminds me of the people at local parks who let their dogs run around off leash while standing right in front of the leash law signs. Or the people who want to bring their dogs into businesses and are coached to lie about the dog being a service animal. If you want laws enforced then I hope you respect the laws enough to not break them. No, I am not saying rooster ownership is the same as robbery. But it is not legal. I think what they meant to say was just that it is not the smartest thing to openly admit to doing something illegal on a public forum.

    PS… I’m glad the chickens are safe and sound and that the rescuer knew what to do with them.

  6. What a ridiculous conversation.

    Roosters are rightfully illegal, as they are a pain in the a@& to live near (believe me, i grew up on a farm and hope to never deal with another rooster ever again) but that doesn’t mean the police enforce that. It’s done by the dept of planning and development through regulations, fines, etc.

    Why bother to live in a city if you don’t know how something so basic works?

  7. Wow! I feel like I should, perhaps, chime in–although I’m not sure this typical needs more fodder. When I replied to Rachelle’s post I was franticly trying to recover my lost chickens. I admitted to having a rooster. I have no problem admitting I had a rooster. It is so easy to make assumptions, or have an opinion without having all of the facts. So here you go…

    The hatchery that my rooster came from made an honest mistake when sexing him at birth (I ordered all hens), it happens. I’m not a chicken expert, and neither are most urban families with chickens, so it took some time to tell whether he was a rooster or not. The moment I found I quickly scoured the internet for a safe place for him to live. I would have loved to have kept him– he wasn’t hurting anyone, didn’t crow or do anything that would annoy the neighborhood; but I understood the law and knew I had to re-home him. I alerted my neighbors to the situation and warned them that they might hear some crowing. Nevertheless, I assured them that I was actively searching for a new home for him. In my opinion, I would rather be ticketed or fined for having a rooster than not fulfill my obligation as a chicken owner. I bought him, I raised him and it was my job to get him a new home– and it doesn’t just happen over night.

    Furthermore, as a community we have begun dabbling in urban farming, and I think that is great. However, I agree, it should be done responsibly. I had a duty to properly place this rooster with someone who could assume ownership since I could not. So that meant I had to temporarily house…
    read more
    illegal animal… and you know what, I’m ok with that.

    All that aside, my hens are happily back home. I am so thankful to have such wonderful neighbors who not only look after the community member, but their animals too. Rachelle is amazing and I so lucky that she knew what to do and she sprang into action.


  8. Jessica – you seem to be exactly the kind of neighbor that will be an asset to our little community….glad you’re here!

  9. We had a neighbor who alerted us to owning a rooster (actually sounds like the situation with Jessica). She not only left a nice note in our mailbox detailing the circumstances, but also her full contact info should we have any issues (which I have since forgotten). Not knowing anything about the “chicken” laws in the city, I went online because I honestly didn’t understand why it WOULD be illegal (I was raised in east coast concrete jungle, not on farm). Turns out at the time, it wasn’t illegal. If I researched it correctly, roosters did not become illegal until November 2010 which is before our neighbor received hers. I mention this because some folks out there may be unknowingly “breaking the law” since it changed so recently. BTW…I actually liked the sound of the rooster’s call. He will be missed.

  10. That’s my friend, the Chicken Lady, aiding hens in all sorts of peril! Thanks, Rachelle. And Jessica, I’m glad you got your hens back and your accidental rooster has a good home. :)