SDOT has finished work on a new curb bulb at Terrace and 23rd ave in front of Garfield High School. The redesigned curbs shorten the distance from curb-to-curb and now have ramps, making it easier and safer to cross Terrace on foot, in a wheelchair or with a stroller. The project does not make it much easier to cross the busier 23rd Ave, which is among the most dangerous streets in the city for pedestrians.
SDOT just completed building a new curb bulb across from Garfield High School and adjacent to a local daycare. The pedestrian improvement at 23rd Avenue and E Terrace Street shortens the crossing distance for pedestrians by narrowing the street opening. In addition, the newly-installed curb ramps not only meet the Americans with Disabilities Act requirements, but also accommodate strollers coming and going from the daycare.
This new pedestrian safety feature has been over three years in the making and involved many people from the community and several city of Seattle departments. Following the renovation of Garfield High School, there was community interest in also making street improvements around the school. Feet First, a non-profit pedestrian advocacy organization, did a walking audit of possible improvements and the community applied for funding through the Neighborhood Street Fund large projects and Neighborhood Project Fund.
This project was funded through the Neighborhood Project Fund which provides funding for projects that the Department of Neighborhoods District Council, SDOT and Seattle Parks and Recreation have selected and recommended to the Mayor based on specific priorities. That criterion includes the following concerns: The project will have a widespread positive impact on the neighborhood as a whole; implements one or more recommendations in an adopted neighborhood plan; has the support of multiple neighborhood or community groups; also qualifies for funding from another City source.

The addition of “Curb Bulbs” to the intersections will not help the safety situation at any intersection.
I have watched many people young and old not even looking both ways when crossing the street and just expecting the car to stop for them.
The most oblivious ones which my partner calls “Podestrians” having their headphones plugged in stepping into traffic and not looking or caring about anything else.
I have watched parents with small children not even teaching them to look for cars at crossings. I have seen dog owners train their dogs better at corner crossing street rules….
Teach the rule at crossings: “LOOK BOTH WAYS”
I have two boys at Garfield and they are probably one the oblivious pedestrians crossing that area four times a day. They are at an age when they are either thinking about girls or their appearance to such a degree it blots out everything else, maybe because they are city born they have no fear of speeding cars or honking horns.
I would remind all drivers; it is your bumper that will crush the life out of any “podestrian” that you hit. When a pedestrian (other wise known as a human being) puts their foot on the roadway, it is the drivers’ responsibility to yield the right of way, even if they are in the wrong. Cars Kill; they move faster are less maneuverable, provide more internal distractions, create more sense of entitlement than any pedestrian ever will.
Remember what spiderman had to learn; with great power comes great responsibility.
The curb bulbs are not about making crossing 23rd easier or safer. That’s not hard to understand if you have ever walked on that block. It’s to make crossing Terrace street accessible for people in wheel chairs and people pushing strollers. I’d say READ the post, but even the post has to throw in a salty comment about crossing 23rd. There are two crosswalks right there to get across 23rd- At Jefferson and at Alder. Unlike the stretch between Union and Cherry, this stretch has several marked safe crosswalks for pedestrians. That corner of Terrace has been a mess and I am glad to see the improvements. And they are definitely improvements. Nobody needs education to walk along an arterial and safely cross at side streets. Can’t you guys just be happy there was an improvement made on that corner without making it about yourself and your agendas about crossing busy streets.
“This new pedestrian safety feature has been over three years in the making “
It looks to me like a curb cut has been made to cross 23rd ave and a corresponding cut on the other side of 23rd. Are there plans to add a crosswalk there as well?