Over the weekend, neighbor Ellie posted a note warning of burglary activity in her part of the Central District to the CDNews Facebook page:
Two DAY TIME burglaries on the 21st Ave/Terrace block in the past few days!
Below is a map showing other reported break-ins this week in that area of the neighborhood. Full reports aren’t available from the break-ins noted by Ellie but reports for two incidents along Yesler are. In one, nothing was taken as an alarm sounded when the home’s basement door was opened *after* somebody had broken in through a window. In the other, about $150 in change was stolen from a home where police could find no obvious means of entry and the resident swore she had locked her deadbolt. You can click the map to view latest information from SeattleCrime.
there were two break in’s in december south of terrace and north of yesler -and one other in january that are not shown on the map.
busted through the back door. from my place, they took what could fit in a back pack and the tv.
something is going on.