Community Post

Love or hate the LED lights on Cherry? Tell the city

It’s been two months since the fancy new streetlights with their decidedly un-orange glow were installed on Cherry Street between 23rd & MLK. It’s part of a test to see whether the lights are appropriate for neighborhood arterials.

Now the city wants to know what you think. Fill out the city’s survey at

Everything you submit will be anonymous, and your answers will help the city determine whether the test is a success.


0 thoughts on “Love or hate the LED lights on Cherry? Tell the city

  1. Love LED lights. Way less energy usage and a decent color. Now the city needs to trim up some of the overgrown trees in the area so the lights can shine and not be blocked. 23rd from Cherry to Union is ridiculous how overgrown it is.

  2. no we hate them. too bright and from mlk to 31 are regular lights. police and nosey people just want to watch what the youth are doing. all these lights are doing is giving people a better description to give to the police when things go down.

  3. Why is this a bad thing?

    “giving people a better description to give to the police when things go down.”

  4. I want people to be able to give clear descriptions but those lights are really bright. I feel sorry for the people who live in the top floors the apartment buildings on Cherry St.

  5. I love th new led light. They are energy efficient. They last longer – thus lower maintenance cost. They looks awesome. We want more led lights in central districts.