Liz Ellis, the Program Coordinator for SDOT Bridging the Gap Sidewalk Safety Repair, reports that renovations of the sidewalk pavement along E. Union Street between MLK and 34th are scheduled to begin on Monday, November 1. The city will put up no-parking signs for break out and removal of broken pavement.
This date is flexible, though, pending the arrival of a severe rainstorm predicted for early next week, in which case the construction crews would likely be reassigned to drainage response.
We wrote last week about the plans for sidewalk maintenance along main arterials in the neighborhood, and you’ve probably seen some of the bright green tree preservation signs on trunks along Union. There has been no decision made yet on trees being removed, though Ellis (in a comment on our last post) clarified the two trees under consideration:
There is a maple at 3101 which has substantially heaved the sidewalk. SDOT will evaluate the tree for root pruning before we consider removal. The other tree is east of this on the south side of E Union and is small, stunted, and struggling from being planted right underneath a big leaf maple.
If you normally park along Union, be aware that starting Monday you might need to look on sidestreets. We’ll update if the weather pushes back construction.
I sure hope that when it comes time to repair the sidewalks on 34th, they don’t replace the concrete sidewalk with asphalt as they’ve done on Union. Asphalt is for roads, not sidewalks. It looks ridiculous!