For those of you looking for an affordable way to brush up on some of your computer and digital camera skills, you may want to check out the classes being offered at Garfield Community Center. Starting next week, Garfield will be offering several four-week classes in digital photography, simple photo editing, building simple websites, creating and using Facebook accounts and using Microsoft Word. These classes will also be offered again in August.
Additional information can be found through Seattle Parks and Rectreation at or by calling 684-4788.
Additionally, the Garfield Community Center computer lab is open certain days this summer for the public to check email and work on projects at no charge. Open Labs hours are Monday & Thursday 5:30-7:00pm, Friday 2:30-6:30pm, and Saturday 1:00-4:00pm. Open lab hours are subject to change, so call to confirm at 684-4788.