We’re lucky to have some amazingly well-organized and dedicated community groups around the Central District. There was a perfect example of it over on Hiawatha Place this morning where a large group of neighbors picked up dozens of bags of trash and spruced up the planting areas.
Here’s some community service action shots:
Margo Robb hauls a huge bag of trash
Ruiz Medina and Jesus Peña load up a shopping cart with trash
Wow! I live next to the CD and really appreciate all that people do to plant flowers, keep it litter free, neat & tidy.
Good for them cleaning up. Little things really do help. Trash breeds more trash…. Out of my front window, just this morning, I watched a person (a middle aged white woman with two little dogs wearing coats even…. not a teenager or stereotypical unsavory sort) toss her trash on my neighbors parking strip – right on the pile that someone else appears to have dumped out of their car one night. Amazing what people feel justified in doing.
Kudos to CASA Latina who had a dozen or more people help with the clean-up!