It is with great enthusiasm that we invite you to visit www.flashvolunteer.org and start making a difference in your neighborhood today! Flash Volunteer gives everyone the tools they need to make their communities a better place to live. Create your own service projects, invite your friends and neighbors and start making things better today.
Here’s how you do it:
1. Go to www.flashvolunteer.org.
2. Create an account (using Google, Facebook or Yahoo sign-in).
3. Identify the neighborhoods you spend time in and your volunteer interests.
4. Create and organize volunteer events in your neighborhood, sign-up for events posted by local nonprofits, then invite your friends and neighbors to join you.
5. After the event is complete, post your pictures and add fellow volunteers to your Flash Team.
6. Repeat as necessary.
Viva Volunteerism!
Find us at Park(ing) Day 2009
The Flash Volunteer team will be promoting hyperlocal community service Friday, September 18, 2009, at Park(ing) Day 2009. Stop by, say hi and let us know how we can help you make your neighborhood better!
iPhone app on the way
We’re very excited for the release of our iPhone app, which will provide users with a real-time snapshot of volunteer opportunities based on their GPS location. Wake up on a Saturday morning with nothing to do? This is the app for you!