While hoping for a non-irritating grocery trip to the Madison Safeway this afternoon, I was reminded by a P-A announcement in the store that the branch there is shutting down today. BECU workers told me the prized ATM “will” stay open. For those of us who are BECU members, it’s a bit of a bummer. The closest branch where you can have human contact for your banking needs is now over on Broadway.
I guess I never had a need to stop in and talk to the Safeway BECU branch Employees, as thought they were there only for loans. What I did use was their cash machine for check deposites and weekly cash. Once they changed the cash machine to where it required you to deposite each check individualy ( rather than in a single, sealed envelope ), I started having trouble with it not registering one or more deposited checks in a series. You would not know that this machine had not registered a deposited check until your monthly statement arrived. Of course BECU never did anything with these stray checks, just seemed to sit on them and to wait for a call from me before they did anything. Got to where I just drove down to the main branch and stood in line to deposite these checks. Ok, guess my recently having opened a new account with a different bank ( after exclusive BECU Customer for close to 30 years ), shows my displeasure.
Safeway or another bank even? I’d love a really local U.S. Bank branch…the new one on Madison is a huge pain.
This building has been a failure for every tenant except Safeway. Hopefully they’re making enough money to not stop improving the store as the years go along (a la’ U. District or Othello or Factoria).
I’ll miss having a personal level of contact if I needed it or the ease of being able to print out account activity. I don’t have a working printer at home, so that was a nice added benefit of 24/7 access to the online banking in the store.
@ Hodges, did you ever speak with one of the employees in the service center? And if you liked using an envelope and deposit slip, you could have dropped into the slot. While it would have taken longer to post to your account, no checks would be “lost.” Also, if you had issues with the ATM an employee may have been able to help improve your experience.