Community Post

Blue Angels Bonus: Best Viewpoints

We’re all about balance here on CDNews, so it seems important to help out the half of our audience that loves to see, hear, and feel the Blue Angels’ freedom spectacular. Here’s a helpful map with the best spots within walking distance to catch the action:


  1. I-90 Overlook – The best view has to be the overlook over I-90. It’s also usually the most crowded, so get there early if you want the front row.
  2. Central Area Senior Center – Possibly one of the best and least known views of Rainier on a sunny day is on the back side of the Central Area Senior Center, and it’s also great for airshow watching. The curved, elevated street (King/31st Ave S) just to the north is a great vantage too.
  3. Leschi-Lake Dell Natural Area – This hidden gem of a park as a wide angle view of the lake and the Blue Angels’ performance area.
  4. Blue Water Bistro dock – Conveniently located next to a place with cold adult beverages, the doc has a good water-level view and room for plenty of people.
  5. Madrona Park dock – Halfway between Leschi and Madrona Beach, this small dock juts way out into the lake and offers great views if you can find room on it.

The Blue Angels will be practicing on Friday from 12:45 to 2:40pm, and will have their full show during that same time on Saturday and Sunday. Note that I-90 will be closed during each session.


Image courtesy Andrew Taylor


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