Can anyone remember a year with such a nice string of weather in May and June? It’s been fantastic, and is supposed to continue through the weekend with only an addition of a few more clouds.
Here’s a few things from our community calendar you can get out and check out:
Friday at 6:30pm: Your chance to round up the kids and head to Medgar Evers Pool to watch the movie Bolt at their Dive In Movie Night
Saturday at 9:00am: How about a weekly trip out to the farm for a Clean Greens Work Party?
Saturday at 7:00pm: The Washington Middle School music program is holding a fundraising concert in collaboration with the gypsy jazz band Pearl Django. I’ve heard from a reliable source that there’s some really talented kids at Washington Middle School, so this should be worth your time.
Sunday at 10:00am: The haters from Kansas will be in town to try and stir up trouble at Mt. Zion church. Folks are planning a peaceful celebration to drown them out.
Weekend Movies: The STIFF film festival continues with screenings at Central Cinema (a CDNews sponsor). Films include:
- Friends (with benefits) – Friday at 7pm
- Short Ends – Friday at 9:30pm
- Yesterday – Saturday at 7pm
- Finale – Saturday at 9:30pm
- Keep You Day Job, Superstar – Sunday at 7pm
- Lucella Green – Sunday at 9:30pm
Want to see your event here? It’s easy to post it for free on our community calendar
and even if you aren’t in the mood for the movies, you might want to stop in at the bistro Cafe Noir out front for a bowl of OMG-good cold Basil Honeydew soup. Yum! The chef here has an inspired touch when it comes to soup. I haven’t had anything that wasn’t good, but her soups are killer good with interesting & creative combinations.