Community Post

Your Weekend Plans: Carnival, Marches, Art, and Sustainability

I don’t remember ever having such a long string of such nice days in May before. The good news is that it’s supposed to continue through the weekend. Here’s some ways you can get out and enjoy it with your neighbors:

Planting: Meet at New Hope Baptist Church Saturday at 9am to join the weekly planting party out at the Clean Greens Farm in Duvall. It’s a great community project, and a great way to pick up a free ride out in the city and get your hands dirty in nature.

Carnival: The Islamic School of Seattle is holding their annual carnival, with food, games, crafts, a bazaar, and even pony rides. It starts Saturday at 10am and runs till 6:00pm.

Health Care March – Organizers are expecting 5,000-10,000 people at Pratt park Saturday at 12:30pm for a big rally and march to push for health care reform. The path will take them to Westlake Center downtown via Yesler, Jackson, and 4th Ave. 

Art Share – Saturday, 2pm – 5pm: Stop by and check out the visual arts on display at the Umojafest P.E.A.C.E Center 24th & Spring.

Out for Sustainability is hosting a party at The Bottleneck Lounge (a CDNews sponsor) Sunday from 6pm to 8pm to celebrate the launch of a new green initiative.

MoviesCentral Cinema (a CDNews sponsor) is bringing back Sita Sings the Blues due to its popularity last week. I’ve heard great things about this movie from friends who’ve seen it, so check it out. Showing nightly through 6/4 at 7pm and 9:15pm.

0 thoughts on “Your Weekend Plans: Carnival, Marches, Art, and Sustainability

  1. Madrona is having a 30+ family garage sale. There is a site map to pick up at Madrona School and a stroll through the neighborhood to various homes. I think it runs 9-3 but it might be 8:30.

  2. Everyone please come to this! Health care is a huge issue that affects everyone and this march is for sure going to spark a movement. Go to for more info and come to Pratt Park tomorrow at 12:30!