It’s something I’ve long thought we’ve had a shortage of: good Thai food within reasonable walking distance of the Central District.
According to signs that have gone up, it’s called naam and will be coming soon in an empty storefront on 34th in Madrona. It is the spot just north of the corner of 34th & Union, most recently occupied by Coupage.
We’ll keep an eye on it and let you know when they open for business.
Fingers crossed that they’re good – and toes crossed that they deliver too!
the walls are very SE asian and have a cool design to them. bar is built. please carry chang and some other killer thai beers.
If it’s even passable, my household will be keeping them in business.
I surely hope its not gona run me and my partner $40 to have two plates and two beers there..coz that would be disappointing..and another failure for a seemingly cursed location. fingers crossed indeed!
by my count, this will be the fourth restaurant at the location in the past 3.5 years (sapphire, dre’s, coupage, now naam). let’s hope this one sticks and becomes a neighborhood anchor like st. cloud’s.
i see cremant has officially closed, too. anyone know the full story on this?
Delivery would be beyond awesome. Fingers and toes crossed over here, too!
massive debt run up by the previous owners, passed on to the new owners, and probably some other stuff that all came together to make it less than viable.
btw, I think a dinner for 2 for $40 bucks, with a beer and tax and tip, is pretty much standard. cheap thai exists, but I wouldn’t expect it in Madrona.
I’m excited for Thai – but every time that space changes hands, I remember Plenty and mourn a little. I’d love to see some new version of Plenty- a few groceries, good deli case, great pastries… Anyone, anyone??
ahhhhh Plenty! Good times
Plenty was excellent, I miss it still. Thai food (by its nature cheaper than other cusines) for $40/couple does not compute…sure it will learn quickly the ways of the Madrona restaurant scene, precarious in these times. if not it will fail since there are dozens of other locations for dinner for 2 can be $20, like Viengthong or Jasmine’s or even Jamjuree. Always thought the decor of coupage was pretty slick inside, and very comfortable.
When we lived on Capitol Hill, we lived on Jamjuree take-out — we’ve been hoping for a Thai restaurant in our Madrona neighborhood ever since we moved in. Delivery isn’t required, but easy pickup is going to be a huge quality of life improvement. I predict success, finally, at this location – whee!