I just wanted to bring attention to three fliers that I have found postd on various light posts throughout the neighborhood. They are racist messages against the white population.
I get so mad when I see them that I crumple them and throw them away. I will try to remember to foto one so you can see the exact message.
At any rate, I believe that many of us want to live peacefully with our neighbors of various colors and we should all counteract in some way to end this racism. It does not matter who the hatred is against, it sucks no matter what!!
Can you tell us exactly where these are posted?
And can you explain what, exactly, they say?
Let your anger motivate you to share relevant actionable details with your community and the police, if appropriate. Crumpling up and throwing away the evidence and then posting vague comments doesn’t serve anyone.
poor white guy complaining about racisim..thats a joke white boy! just remember only 30yrs ago the african american community could not even vote!!! poor you white guy!
Honestly people! It’s not our fault, nor is anyone trying to repeat the past. What the hell is wrong with people? We learn from the past and we move on. Fliers won’t help, saying “poor white guy” WONT HELP! Not a single race is going to go extinct, we all have to live here. Grow the fark up!
At least try to get your facts straight. The voting rights act was signed in 1965 – that was forty-four years ago. And blacks have always had the vote in Washington state.
Get your facts straight.
If we ALL do not address climate change the whole HUMAN race and those animals that come with us will be extinct!
We are not trying to save the planet, we are trying to save the human race!
Lets get this completely straight here: Free blacks (and there were plenty of those even during slavery) were allowed to vote even before the 1800s. Do your research