Community Post

Your Weekend Plans (and delayed Twilight Opening)

Some fun events from our community calendar this weekend:


  • Cherry St. Drinking Delay: Festivities will not begin tonight at the Twilight as previously forecasted by some unreliable neighborhood blogs.  They’re waiting for the final step of getting the Liquor License moved, and the opening at the new Cherry location is now planned for next Tuesday 2/10
  • Friday at 7pm:  Pet owners may want to stop by the open house of a new pet store in the new building at 17th & Jackson. (BTW:  The new building there is also offering deals for new residents as part of their grand opening.  I was in there a few months ago, and there’s some fantastic views from many of the units)
  • Friday at 7pm:  Contemporary Photography Now – A lecture on the current world of photography from a historian on the subject and form director/chief curator of the Minnesota Center for Photography.
  • Movies:  Central Cinema (a CDNews sponsor) is showing Memento all weekend at 6:45pm & 9:45pm


0 thoughts on “Your Weekend Plans (and delayed Twilight Opening)

  1. Peered in the window last night: looked like they could use a day or two to get everything ready. Seen “through a glass, darkly” so maybe not a reliable report. No sign on outside, yet.

    just as well (for so many reasons) that I wasn’t planning on having my 60th birthday party there.

  2. the Seattle School Board withdres it’s objection last week. The actual Liquor Board that decides if a business is allowed to serve alcohol only meets one day a week, Tuesday. Not a bad gig for around 90K per year. So we have to wait until at least Wed. to open. However, i have discovered that the tile floor in the main dining room is extremely slippery when wet. So, i am replacing it with something more suitable. this will take until at least thurs. Look for a soft opening on Thurs.(maybe) Friday the 13th will be the grand opening if, in all it infinite wisdom and screw ups the WSLCB sees fit to grant me a liquor license. Just a few more days.