Stunger and others were asking the other day about what’s going on with the old Dilettante building at 23rd & Cherry, so we got in touch with the owner Ron (and CDNews sponsor through Central Space) to see what’s going on. Here’s the scoop:
- Ron has put the building up for sale to allow him to focus on his other retail project in the garage spaces underneath the apartment building to the east.
- The asking price is $1,050,000 ($262.50 per sq. ft.)
We’ve talked before about all the kinds of things we’d like to see there. Hopefully someone will pick this up and make it happen.

I distinctly recall the existence of that post you linked to, but am getting a 404 error when I try to access it!
Sorry – link is now fixed
One of my great disappointments in moving to the cd, was the lack of Pagliacci pizza (the best in town!)delivery in the area. I wonder how to bring this space to the attention of the folks at Pags.
I’ve found AmantĂ© Pizza to be better, but it all comes down to personal taste!
we love All Purpose Pizza the best and its owned by a CD resident.
Love the thin crust at All Purpose Pizza on Jackson. I don’t know what their delivery coverage area is, but their pizza, salads and kids pasta rocks! They also have a really cool and fun website: http://www.allpurposepizza.com/
The website is a major annoyance (IMHO) when I want to quickly order a pizza. But agreed, everyone should throw a little business their way.
I’d really like a bakery. I know there’s Essential, but I’m thinking a little more homey. I miss La Panzanella and can’t help but think something like Wedgwood’s Grateful Bread is just what we need. Anyone ready to end the low-carb era and bring on the bagel?
Hi folks, I’m currently working on a plan to open a pizza shop in the old Dilettante building. I’ve been in contact with Ron the owner over the last couple of months. Working with a couple of other folks to refine the concept and solidify financing. I have read all your comments about wanting coffee shops, laundry, bakery, etc. So I’m so glad that you want pizza too! Trying to go organic where possible or a least products with the least amount of additives. Not high end, but a good solid product. Yep, I’m local, I live in Miller Park by Meany Middle School (Yes, I’m looking forward to having Nova as a new neighbor) and was one of the founders of the Miller Park Neighborhood Association, even before Andrew Taylor. I will try to log in more often to the blog to get your comments. According to Andrew I’m nearly a luddite when it comes to computer use.
Sounds great. Good luck and keep us posted!
How exciting! You got the carbs for us and I hope it’s homey.
I miss seeing all the kids at the Diletante after school when I was getting my choco fix.
Will it be sit down? Evening beers? Or, will you roll up the sidewalk early? Anything is great, just asking.
Count me in for a couple of pizza’s a month
Well I had a meeting with some other people who might be interested in joining me in this venture. We are all a bit short of cash with the current economic crisis. Ron had offered to sell me the building before he listed and posted the sign. But once again working on the cash thing. Have talked to a couple of banks as well about small business loans. HA! All I got is “We’ll call you later”. So, I’m still working it, but this might take a little longer than anticipated.