Community Post


The Colman Neighbors Association (CNA) is hosting a neighborhood conference on Saturday, February 28th, from 10 a.m – 2 p.m., at the African American Museum.  The CNA hopes the conference will be a catalyst for cross-neighborhood projects.  The conference is open to any neighbors in the area, but because it is a catered event, RSVP’s are mandatory.  RSVP’s can be made to [email protected]

A panel made up of:

    • Cecelia Alvarez, local Chicana artist and educator.
    • Eudora Carter, Health Educator, Project Coordinator for the Center for MultiCultural Health; Central Area Development Association board member.
    • Sally Clark, Seattle City Council, Chair of the Planning, Land Use and Neighborhoods committee
    • Darlene Flynn, former School Board member and Neighborhood District Coordinator; currently Seattle Office of Civil RightsStrategic Manager
    • Lt. John Hayes, Director of Community Outreach, SPD

will explore the question:  “What makes a great neighborhood,” followed by a Q&A.

A working lunch will follow during which participants will brainstorm cross-neighborhood projects.

Child care will be provided, but arrangements must be made in advance with  Lisa Price at [email protected]. Lisa has graciously offered her home, about a block from the museum, and is coordinating with a child care provider.

This conference has been made possible thanks to a generous Neighbor-to-Neighbor grant from the Seattle Foundation.

RSVP:  [email protected]

Childcare:  [email protected]


  1. I was at the meeting this morning. GREAT EVENT! There were a lot of terrific ideas discussed and a lot of projects and opportunities for involvement and community were discussed. Unfortunately I do not have the notes on all the projects that were discussed and how to sign up or learn more. Will someone be posting them so more neighbors can get involved? Would be great! Again, big thanks to all who organized. Really excited about what is happening! Also, is there some forum or mechanism for gathering any feedback from the meeting? I have a concern and would like to provide some feedback. Thanks again!