UPDATE– Work party rescheduled for Saturday, March 7.
After over a year in the planning/design/permitting/fundraising phase- construction of the Spring St P-Patch begins next week. Countless hours by dedicated neighbors, volunteer landscape designers and city P-patch staffers will bring a little patch of community garden goodness to the corner of 25th Ave and E Spring St.
NEED DIRT?? Approximately 250 cubic yards of dirt will be removed from the site. The soil has been tested and found safe for gardening. If you need 5 yards or more at a site with in a couple of miles, we’ll deliver it late next week. Contact Rachel at [email protected]
GOT CONCRETE?? We’re constructing garden bed walls of clean, broken concrete. Broken sidewalk is ideal, but other unpainted, large, mid-height pieces are welcome. (2ftx1ftx4in) Contact Nora at [email protected]
GET INVOLVED!! Our next work party will bring neighbors together with our project contractor to begin wall construction. While the garden will undoubtedly be an attraction for all neighbors, this is the “strong backs” work party. Skilled and unskilled labor welcome. Coffee, scones and conversation welcome too!
Save the date! Spring St P-patch Work Party– March 7, 10am-4pm, rain or shine. We’ll have the tools and some know-how, you bring gloves and another neighbor.
Spring is coming. If anyone wants to learn more about P-Patches, check out the City of Seattle website for more info on the program. Enjoy!