There was an interesting article about a town in Canada in the times today. They are dealing with their gang problem in an interesting way they are shunning the gang members from society. See the full story here:
Uhhhh. I could maybe see that working in a small town scenario, though it seems entirely ineffective in a big city (besides being unconstitutional and highly susceptible to people’s own prejudices and profiling).
A far better idea would be to revive the Seattle Team For Youth as described in another Seattle Times article:
Note: when they started being forced to care about the WASL they stopped reaching the most at-risk youth. At schools all over the city, money that used to fund programs for all kids has been redirected towards serving only those kids who just barely didn’t pass – in order to boost thier scores and the school’s scores. When after-school programs take a hit, it has consequences. Our institutions (SPS and City) gave up on the most at risk youth a while ago. Big surprise, now their on the corner.
Larry Evans for mayor!