We just got a text message that the updated school closure list is out and that TT Minor and the Mann building (NOVA) are still on the list. We’re looking for more details now.
Update: 3:05pm -West Seattle Blog is at school HQ and has the full list of closures. It looks like nothing has changed since the beginning of the process, with TT Minor’s Montessori program moving to Leschi, NOVA moving to Meany, and Meany middle school kids being dispersed to other schools.
Update: 3:23pm – The final recommendations have been posted to the district’s website: http://www.seattleschools.org/area/capacity/FinalRec_Summary
Next Steps: The recommendations will be formally presented to the school board tomorrow night at 6:00pm, where public comment will be taken. The board will vote on the recommendations on January 29th.
Additional opportunities for public comment are on January 20th and January 22nd.
or is it set in stone?
so bummed about TTminor.
Minor (school & program) is closing. The NOVA program is moving to Meany. Mann School (present and only home of NOVA) is closing.
It’s not over. At this point, these closures are proposals. The superintendent recommends changes BUT the school board votes to implement changes. The vote will be at the board meeting Jan 29th. In the meantime, write school board members, our mayor, the city council… These bodies are responsible for public education and the well being of our city. They need to be accountable to us.
This capacity management plan is deeply flawed and hits the central district hard. This is not acceptable for our students, families or neighborhood.
Board members:
[email protected]
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Council members:
[email protected]
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I know it is tough, but remember as Nora indicated that it is not over. The Board members were elected to represent us. All should continue to meet with Board members to make your case.
Long range planning is missing in the present picture.
Thx Andrew – I updated the title
NOVA is important in it’s location because of how it relates and coordinates with Garfield and (this is far more important in the long run) the Mann building is a majestic old building that relates well to Garfield and it’s neighborhood. Closing the building could put it’s future in jeopardy. Meany is just ugly.
I agree. The building is ugly and the name is bad. But it is a great school that the Meany kids call home and deserve to stay there even with the 60’s decor!
Oh, and I forgot to mention….I would and do send my kids there.