Seattle Parks and Recreation is pleased to present a new, specially priced program of beginning swim lessons for families, School of FISH (Fun Instruction in our Swimming Holes). Learn beginning swimming skills with your school-aged child in a fun and relaxed atmosphere.
Beginning January 1, 2009, School of FISH offers the discount price of $2 per lesson for a paired parent and child. Your first session (10 classes) is free with a voucher. Please register ahead of time in person at one the three participating pools, online or over the phone.
“In a city as surrounded by water as Seattle is,” said Parks and Recreation Superintendent Tim Gallagher, “learning to swim at an early age is a lifelong recreational skill that brings fun and exercise, and can save your life.”
This program is intended for elementary and middle school-aged children and their parents. Each child must be accompanied in the water by an adult on a 1:1 ratio.
Students in this program will learn beginning swimming skills that include water adjustment, bubble blowing, breath holding, kicking on front, back float, and using a life jacket.
Day of the Week Location Time Phone Number
Friday Rainier Beach Pool 5:30 – 6 p.m. 206-386-1944
Saturday Medgar Evers Pool 3:30 – 4 p.m. 206-684-4766
Sunday Helene Madison Pool Noon – 12:30 p.m. 206-684-4979
nice to see you guys using the neighborhood blogs to get the info out
Hey thanks for the informative post, Swimming classes should be something that a person takes up when young. Well I guess an adult can also take up swimming lessons. Never too young to try!