I know there mixed feelings around here about public crime meetings. A lot of you feel like it’s just talk and emotion and feel-better-ism. But I think that this is one meeting that it would be good to have a big turnout for. The killing of 15-year-old Quincy Coleman was the last straw in what was a very violent October, and it’s time that we make a full court press as a community to let the city’s leadership know that we want some immediate action on neighborhood.
So please make time in your Thursday evening to head over to the Garfield gym and make your feelings known, at least by your presence if not by your words.
Of course I know where Garfield is, but it’s a big place – I’ve only been to the community center. Where is the entrance to this event (I don’t want to be wandering around in the dark)?
It’s at the gym, which is the shiny new building across the street from Ezell’s, at the southeast corner of Medgar Evers Pool
Thank you!
The meeting is actually in the Teen Life gymnasium which I believe has to be accessed from 23rd Avenue side. The Garfield gym has entrances on 25th and 23rd.