DPD reference #: 3005925
Hearing Examiner reference #: CF308565
The Hearing Examiner recommends that the City Council approve the requested rezone to 65 ft. with a PUDA (Property Use and Development Agreement) and subject to conditions identified by the Director of the Department of Planning and Development.
Conditions include requirements of work with Seattle Utilities, conditions to be enforced during construction, non-appealable MUP (Master Use Permits) updates, and compliance with images and texts on MUP drawings.
Tree preservation, and noise mitigation during construction are two specifics mentioned, along with use of higher quality materials such as wood resin material or panelized metal for all projecting forms.
Design Review Recommendation documents are available at: http://www.seattle.gov/dpd/Planning/Design_Review_Program/Pr
For copies of the Hearing Examiner Documents contact the Office of Hearing Examiner, P.O. Box 94729, Seattle, WA, 98124-4729
Phone (206) 684-0521
Appeals must clearly identify specific objections to the recommendation and specify the relief sought and be submitted within 14 days of July 1, 2008 to:
Seattle City Council
Planning, Land Use and Neighborhood Committee
c/o Seattle City Clerk
600 Fourth Avenue, Floor 3
P.O. Box 94728
Seattle, WA 98124-4728
Thanks, Joanna – good summary of all that detail!
It only took 8 years and hundred’s of thousands of dollars to make common sense prevail. What will the nimby’s fight next?
This is great.
What dark forces? It’s obvious that you mistake the right of people to make public comment with some moneyed interest that has more standing than just that — citizens who have the right to make comment makeing comment. An upzone requested by a developer almost always includes some contribution to the neighborhood because of their disproportionate gain vis a vis any one else who wants to develop on the surrounding lots.
Someone tried to rehab the building, with not much money, was taking alot of time, and the earthquake screwed it up. Someone paid way too much for the land. NOT MY PROBLEM. They call it speculation for a reason. Non profit housing groups looked at doing something, the land was too hyper priced. A developer figured out what they wanted to do that would compensate their investors, designed a building, went through design review and the rezone process. Fairly painlessly, I might add.
Hundreds of thousands spent to go through the process? — give me a break. Would you just let anyone build enything on our public roads? Are you that desperate that you would allow chaos to create a city where no one wants to live? You forget one major thing — the people who build the buildings DONT LIVE THERE.
We have a Comp Plan, a Neighborhood Plan, Design Guidelines and if you want to change the zoning in an area then propose a Comp Plan amendment.
Clueless fool’s the developer is doing the neighborhood a favor building this building on 23rd not the other way around. You are simply a misguided know nothing person with an opinion, you know nothing about Real Estate and you’re probably a renter. Attitudes like yours are responsible for the crack smoking criminals that break into houses in the CD. Wake up and smell the coffee, development like this is the future.
Get Real, thank you for your posting. Your ideas should play a part in any consideration regarding land use. Speculators have a different purpose than residents and at times they can help each other. A livable city and neighborhood will be more sustainable for all.
Speculation often fuels the spiral of decline when property is allowed to deteriorate due to bad business decisions or to investors holding out for a windfall. Development can be a good thing, but land use codes and zoning are there to serve the public good. They are public resources.