It’s a big big big weekend here in the CD and the City of Seattle. My weather widget is saying it’s going to be 87 degrees (F!) on both Saturday and Sunday. Since you don’t have air conditioning, it’s going to be way too hot to stay indoors. Here’s what you should do instead:
On Friday at 4pm, your friendly neighborhood Bottleneck Lounge will be kicking off Gay Pride weekend with happy hour festivities, and the 2nd Annual Hot Dog Blessing. Hot Dog lovers rejoice: the 10PM blessing will mark the start of a weekend of free hot dogs.
On Saturday, set the alarm and automatic coffee maker, and shake off your hot dog hangover in time to make the Townhouse Design Charette on the UW campus at 9AM. It sounds nerdy but cool: teams of architects and regular folks will join up into small teams and brainstorm how we can create townhouses that we don’t hate. (for some background, check out the PI story that ktkeller found) If you don’t go to this and help solve problems, you forever forfeit your right to complain about the townhouse that will soon be sprouting next door to you.
After the design workshop, hop back on the #48 bus and ride south until you see the firehouse at 23rd & Yesler. Walk around the corner and down the hill until you find the neglected amphitheater in Blanch Lavizzo Park. That’s where SNGI and the EPCPC are sponsoring The Good Vibe, with an afternoon of music and more.
Of course on Sunday there is the big pride parade downtown, and the associated boozy fun at the bars on the hill. But if that’s not your scene, there’s two options to choose from here in the hood:
From 3pm to 9pm, the Community Alliance for Global Justice is holding trade fair and dinner to share local alternatives to the bland world of corporate globalization.
Or Madison Valley residents (and assorted valley admirers), will want to check out the 3rd Annual Madison Valley BBQ. The big topic for discussion & organization: taking over the surplus MLK School and making a community center for valley folk.
(have an event you’d like to promote? add it to our community calendar!)