The Department of Neighborhoods has sent a reminder of tonight’s meeting of the Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) for the Swedish/Sabey campus (formerly Providence Hospital). (The meeting is April 16 from 6:00 to 8:00 P.M. in Room D of the James Tower Swedish Education Center -550 17th Avenue.)
That reminder notes the possibility of significant changes at that campus, particularly on the east border. The Master Plan for the campus adopted in 1994 identified relatively limited development along the east side of 18th Avenue between Cherry and Jefferson — including a day care center with facilities for neighborhood children, a gym/health club facility open to neighborhood residents, and an inn primarily serving families of hospital patients. Now, institution owners are starting the process of involving the public in future plans which will not include those uses and which may involve bigger and taller buildings. Models of the massing of possible new development along 18th Avenue will be available at the meeting. The public is encouraged to attend.