Community Post

EastPAC, THIS Thurs. 1/23, 6:30 PM – Kshama Sawant and new East Precinct Capt. Edwards

EastPAC-Logo1Don’t forget to attend THIS Thursday’s EastPAC meeting! Seattle City Council Member Kshama Sawant will be our special guest.  Kshama has been an avid advocate for the issues most impacting working people, youth and the poor in our communities… From wages to rent, cuts to Metro and other social services that impact poor and working-class citizens; as well as democratic public accountability addressing policing practices. 

Will Kshama be our candidate for Council District 3?  The boundaries of the East Precinct are nearly identical to District 3, and we need to be prepared for identifying our priorities as this representation becomes policy.

Also, meet our new East Precinct Captain Mike Edwards!

EastPAC Community Meeting

Thursday, January 23rd, 6:30 to 8:00 PM

Seattle University, Chardin Hall, room 142

1020 East Jefferson

(enter at 11th and Jefferson, park free in front of building)

Please be on time so you won’t miss anything…




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