Hurray for City Light!

A Seattle City Light (SCL) truck has been moving from fixture to fixture along E Union Street for the last few workdays. I stopped to say Thanks! and learned that they’re changing light bulbs, checking voltage and wiring. One worker said that if a light is still dark or strobing after these maintenance checks, we should report it to SCL (with pole number and nearest address) as the entire fixture needs to be changed. I’m delighted to see this as it’s taken so long lately to get reported lights out checked and fixed. Better lighting is a Good Thing.

Union Market at 21st & Union

The owners of the Union Market ARE looking for a buyer for the business, not the building, which is owned by Ezra. Anybody know anyone who has a business to relocate or wants to start a business? It doesn’t have to be a convenience store, or it could be one more like the Leschi Market or one at 60th & Phinney, which has a fresh flower rack and cafe tables outside, very attractive and inviting. Oh, yes please, I’m begging now….