Community Post

CDN Police Scanner – 7/23

Tales of crime, shenanigans, and tomfoolery from Seattle’s East Precinct – Wednesday, July 23, 2008

0 thoughts on “CDN Police Scanner – 7/23

  1. I wonder if this is the clown Superman I saw yesterday at Charlie’s on Broadway. An entire clown car pulled up and ate there last night. I wished I had a camera. One was clearly a Superman Clown.

  2. Not sure, but so far only DC comics have been featured on our scanner. A few months ago we had the Green Lantern. Marvel needs to step up to the plate. There has to be at least one Spiderman or Wolverine in this town!

  3. I saw that same kid (burglary suspect) riding his bike (and on the phone) at 12:05pm, at the corner of 18th and E. Pine…. keep us posted

  4. I assume this is related:

  5. Take a plastic bag, fill it with random chemicals, light it on fire = “smell of crack”
    Very chemical-ly…

  6. DEFINITELY carrying a knife, the guy walked by my house and had an encounter right outside my window with another group of kids (according to my partner who is at home) about 15 minutes ago, any update on this one by chance??

  7. Several units responded and searched the area for the suspects, but couldn’t find them. Call 911 if you see them

  8. was it this older white guy? I’ve seen him walking arond sans cape though..