Hey all, before we meet with some members of the city on March 7th, we’d like to gather stories from you on what your experiences have been like with cable / broadband services. Please comment on UPTUN.org‘s blog and leave your story at this link. http://uptun.org/2011/02/share-your-broadstripe-stories/ (Yes, it’s not just broadstripe, I know… qwest is pretty bad on Beacon Hill too). We’d love to hear from you!
Also, we’d love to see you at the meeting with the city. The more people that participate, the better. Details for the meeting can be found here: http://beaconhill.seattle.wa.us/2011/02/28/internet-and-cabl
Mon., March 7, 2011, 7 – 8:30 PM
Upping Technology for Underserved Neighbors (UPTUN)
Beacon Lutheran Church (Beacon Hill Neighborhood)
1720 Forest Street South 98144