A loud boom heard across the city and possible smoke reported by a nearby resident brought out Seattle Fire emergency crews and police early early Sunday morning near Powell Barnett Park but the responding units could not immediately find the source of the mystery disturbance.
According to Seattle Fire dispatch logs, a “minor” explosion was first reported around 3:20 AM near 27th and E Alder. Arriving SFD units and police searched the area but could not find any fire, damage or electrical issues.
911 calls came in from across the city following the thunderous early morning bang. We’ll update if we find out more about the situation.
I figured someone had slammed the lid on the dumpster!
Sounded like a lightning strike to me.
Bomb Squad was there earlier today. A garbage can was blown up with what appeared to be more than just a “small explosion” as reported earlier. Does anyone have a news update?
This is an incident that I don’t see reflected on the 911 map. I, along with others, often wonder why some incidents are not shown on the map.
I meant to add that whatever CD News can do to answer this question would be greatly appreciated.
Definitely more than a small explosion.
A young militant perhaps. Born and inspired in the shadow of the Mandella era and practicing a variety of tactics for the coming revolution. Hero or Villan? Perhaps femoral diffences make the answer variable. Good luck young man. Find purpose.
temporal difference. Darned auto fill.