We just ran across a police report on a burglary in Leschi where a resident’s dog got credit from police for preventing an overnight burglary.
It happened at 1am on June 24th in the 300 block of 32nd, when the resident was awoken by the sound of a loud click followed by a thump. The noises sent the family dog running downstairs, “barking, growling, and causing a stir.” The dog then ran outside, apparently chasing someone down the street.
Afterwards the victim looked around and found that someone had opened her back gate and popped a rear sliding glass door off of its track, which is what alerted the dog.
The police report ends with: “I also recommended she give [pet name redacted] an extra treat for a commendable job”
Does the report state the type of dog?
No – SPD has gotten very aggressive with their redactions. It probably would have been scrubbed out if it was ever in the original report