Looking for something fun around the ‘hood this weekend? Here’s some items from our community calendar:
Saturday, noon to 5pm: The artists and businesses near 23rd & Cherry are having open houses. Check out the stuff from Miss Cline ress, Natalie Ramsey, Tutta Lou Press, and RDA Flower Studio.
Saturday, noon to 2pm: May Day rally and march starts at Judkin’s park, heads down Jackson to Occidental
Saturday, 3pm: Kentucky Derby!
Saturday, 5pm to 11pm: Get a tour inside of a neighborhood landmark at the Washington Hall House Party and open house.
Sunday, 11am – 3pm: Soho Coffee (CDNews sponsors) are holding a Trunk Show with gifts you can get for Mom. (Mother’s Day is just 1 week away!)
Sunday, 1pm – 4pm: Your other chance to enjoy Washington Hall
Your Neighborhood Movie – Our friendly neighborhood movie house Central Cinema (CDNews sponsors) is showing Fresh (New thinking about what we’re eating) at 7pm and 9:30pm on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, and an extra 5pm showing on Saturday. Also: they’ll have the director in the house for the 7pm Friday showing, with Q&A afterwards.
On top of all that, tonight at 1412, there’s Hell’s Bellows, Stefan Gruber and Tone Ghosting.
Come on out for accordions and animation! All ages, opens at 8p, $5-15 sliding scale. 1412 18th Ave. (at Union)
It would help if actual dates were listed. Which weekend? Which “tonight”? Just a thought…Thanks.
We’ll include dates from now on. But these are always published on Friday, and always refer to the weekend that immediately follows